US Real Estate Sector Plunges, Traders Reassess March Rate Cut BetsEarnings Report Preview | Taiwan Semiconductor Q4 Profit May Plummet 23%, Key Focus on Demand Outlook* 高盛:游戏股偏好快手、腾讯及网易TF Securities: The moment of XR revolution has arrived. We will continue to pay close attention to the launch of Apple VisionPro and its catalytic effect on the industry.芝加哥极寒考验电动汽车,充电站变身 “特斯拉坟场”“木头姐” 旗下 Ark 斥巨资自购比特币 ETF! 以真金白银吸引机构注资美联储降息预期再定价,新兴市场遭遇今年 “最惨烈的一天”旧能源的一次反攻JPMorgan Chase CEO Warns: Exercise Caution in the Next Two Years as Strong Risks Will Impact the US EconomyBreakfast | The US market has seen consecutive declines in stocks and bonds, with Apple facing two "blows" in a single day.对话香港财政司长陈茂波:我对于香港股市非常有信心Alcoa's Q4 revenue declined by 3% YoY, and adjusted EBITDA fell short of expectations.Market no longer overly optimistic, traders reduce bets on Fed rate cut in MarchEconomic data also dampened expectations of interest rate cuts, leading to consecutive declines in US stocks and bonds. The Nasdaq and S&P 500 both fell more than 1% during trading, while Chinese concept stocks underperformed the broader market.Samsung Electronics takes the first shot in mobile AI in 2024! Empowered by the Alphabet-C model, Galaxy S24 debuts with a brand new search feature - simply draw a circle to search.Does Tesla really need Tesla's 25% voting rights? Media: Not necessary美股三大指数全线低开,美国零售销售走强打压美联储降息预期SEC 诉 Coinbase 将开庭审理:SEC 对加密货币管辖权成焦点比特币现货 ETF 大规模资金外流抵消流入,投资者对这种新资产持谨慎态度ChaoShan real estate tycoon takes on another life-or-death challengeSociete Generale Analyst: Betting on a Fed rate cut in March is "chasing after shadows"12 月赚钱效应低迷,中国银河专业交易策略公开赛逆势火热Wang Chuanfu angrily invests 100 billion富豪狂买比亚迪百万豪车Exclusive details revealed! Can't wear Apple Vision Pro for half an hour?大和:重申腾讯控股 “买入” 评级 目标价 405 港元京东采销直播喊话拼多多:不要搞屏蔽,请直接比价TEMU 上线南非站点Amer Sports, the parent company of the ancestral bird, will set the IPO price at the end of the month, aiming to raise $1 billion in financing.美团时隔 4 年再度跌破发行价5150 points! Wall Street's optimism is rising, with UBS Group AG joining the ranks of raising expectations for US stocks.投行接连看多印度!高盛:大选后将有更多海外资金流入瑞银:比特币的基本面依然疲弱Tesla cuts Model Y prices in Germany after China price cuts香港房屋局何永贤:目前香港楼市情况稳固 看不到断崖式下跌Understanding the Market | Why are Hong Kong-listed automotive stocks experiencing a widening decline? Wall Street giants have a pessimistic outlook.Airbnb 斥资 2 亿,收购了家只有 12 个人的 AI 初创日本紧缩路线:4 月结束负利率,加息终点 0.5%科指午後跌幅扩至 4.3% 美团、商汤、蔚来及小鹏挫近 6%-10%