Hong Kong Stock Market Update | LI AUTO falls nearly 7%, hitting an 8-month low. Sales trend weakens as it is overtaken by competitors for two consecutive weeks.美国 50ETF 午后涨停 溢价率超 10%苹果 Vision Pro 到底有多火爆?郭明錤:首个周末预购可能达到 16 万至 18 万部大和:降哔哩哔哩评级至持有 降低目标价至 77 港元本周日本央行利率决议需关注哪些信息? 英伟达黄仁勋参加中国区年会 穿 “东北大花” 热舞亚市午盘:亚洲股市回吐部分涨幅 日本股市领涨美国股指期货触及纪录高位Bulls in the US stock market need to be cautious! According to a survey by MLIV Pulse, betting on an early interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is considered the "most foolish" trade.Top 20 Profitable Overseas Hedge Funds in 2023: TCI Takes the Lead, Followed by Citadel* 花旗降百度目标价至 171 美元 股价回调为「买入」机会Is Huatai-PB CSOP Hang Seng Technology ETF (QDII) launching a "3000-point defense battle"?东方甄选出海或与 TikTok 合作* 麦格理削李宁目标价 38% 至 26 元 评级「跑赢大市」Hong Kong property stocks plummeted across the board, with Hang Lung Properties falling more than 6%. Morgan Stanley predicts a 10% decline in Hong Kong property prices for the whole year.恒指最新急插 334 點 失守萬五關Night Market Scan | AI is hot! AMD rose 3.5% at one point, NVIDIA rose 1.5%New stock returns continue to rise, and the red-hot market welcomes a "rising star"Understanding the Market | How far has the Hong Kong stock market fallen?申万宏源:什么政策短期更能 “对症下药”?港股科网股持续下挫 美团跌超 5%Hong Kong Stock Market Update | STAR CM falls over 5%, down 94% since its peak in June last year.* 美银证券升苹果评级至「买入」目标价上调至至 225 美元理解市场 | 美股投资者为何倾向于 “哑铃策略”?* 美银证券升微软目标价至 450 美元 料今年增长加快Short-term negative turns into long-term positive! Bernstein: Weight loss drugs are expected to expand the market for weight loss surgery.Understanding the Market | Why "Stay Invested" in 2024?雷军再提小米汽车全球前五目标亚市早盘: 亚洲股市走高 此前标准普尔 500 指数创历史新高LINEKONG 计划最多购买 600 万美元的加密货币。Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Snapped up! Apple Vision Pro pre-sale is exceptionally hot, a new revolutionary product has arrived (with concept stocks)Breakfast | Tesla, Netflix, Intel, and others release earnings this week, Apple Vision Pro pre-orders are hot黄仁勋 “闪现” 英伟达欲稳中国市场Arkhouse 证实报价每股 21 美元收购梅西百货Understanding the Market | How to Invest in the 2024 US Stock Financial Technology Payment Sector?After a two-year high, technology stocks lead an astonishing rebound in Pro UltrPro Shrt S&Pro 500.美媒:OpenAI 首席执行官正与全球投资者洽谈,开始筹划自己制造芯片央行:发挥好货币政策工具总量和结构双重功能,盘活存量、提升效能央行:下一阶段,货币政策将更加注重跨周期和逆周期调节兴证全球基金谢治宇旗下兴全合宜 A 年报最新持仓,重仓快手-WWinning first doesn't mean winning! How long can NVIDIA and OpenAI monopolize OpenAI?全球供应链受损已超疫情早期!航运巨头致信客户 “为全球网络遭受重大破坏做好准备”