香港证券及期货专业总会:打风开市安排应交由立法会或旗下委员会谘询《大行报告》华泰证券:港股主动资金上周流出扩大 持仓宜谨慎防御Earnings Report Preview | Stock Price Strongly Rebounds 65% Is Intel's Turning Point Here?财报前瞻 | 奈飞值得追涨吗?闲鱼开启微信收款内测小鹏再失自动驾驶大牛!吴恩达高徒王弢离职《大行报告》大摩:今年与整体新兴市场和中国相比 仍然看好日本和印度股市Investor Profile | Huang Renxun: I have experienced three failuresGPT-5 被 5 万张 H100 卡脖子!Altman 急筹数十亿美元,欲取代英伟达建起 AI 芯片帝国日本股市:日经指数创 34 年新高,跟随美股强劲涨势US Stock Options | Tesla and NVIDIA both traded over 2.4 million contracts! AMD, Apple, and Alibaba call options also surged.Hot discussion on WSB | SMCI soars 36%, up over 1140% in just over a yearHong Kong's discounted properties are on the rise!Hong Kong Stock Market Update | LI AUTO falls nearly 7%, hitting an 8-month low. Sales trend weakens as it is overtaken by competitors for two consecutive weeks.美国 50ETF 午后涨停 溢价率超 10%苹果 Vision Pro 到底有多火爆?郭明錤:首个周末预购可能达到 16 万至 18 万部大和:降哔哩哔哩评级至持有 降低目标价至 77 港元本周日本央行利率决议需关注哪些信息? 英伟达黄仁勋参加中国区年会 穿 “东北大花” 热舞亚市午盘:亚洲股市回吐部分涨幅 日本股市领涨美国股指期货触及纪录高位Bulls in the US stock market need to be cautious! According to a survey by MLIV Pulse, betting on an early interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is considered the "most foolish" trade.Top 20 Profitable Overseas Hedge Funds in 2023: TCI Takes the Lead, Followed by Citadel* 花旗降百度目标价至 171 美元 股价回调为「买入」机会Is Huatai-PB CSOP Hang Seng Technology ETF (QDII) launching a "3000-point defense battle"?东方甄选出海或与 TikTok 合作* 麦格理削李宁目标价 38% 至 26 元 评级「跑赢大市」Hong Kong property stocks plummeted across the board, with Hang Lung Properties falling more than 6%. Morgan Stanley predicts a 10% decline in Hong Kong property prices for the whole year.恒指最新急插 334 點 失守萬五關Night Market Scan | AI is hot! AMD rose 3.5% at one point, NVIDIA rose 1.5%New stock returns continue to rise, and the red-hot market welcomes a "rising star"Understanding the Market | How far has the Hong Kong stock market fallen?申万宏源:什么政策短期更能 “对症下药”?港股科网股持续下挫 美团跌超 5%Hong Kong Stock Market Update | STAR CM falls over 5%, down 94% since its peak in June last year.* 美银证券升苹果评级至「买入」目标价上调至至 225 美元理解市场 | 美股投资者为何倾向于 “哑铃策略”?* 美银证券升微软目标价至 450 美元 料今年增长加快Short-term negative turns into long-term positive! Bernstein: Weight loss drugs are expected to expand the market for weight loss surgery.Understanding the Market | Why "Stay Invested" in 2024?雷军再提小米汽车全球前五目标