欧洲央行官员 “泼冷水”:比特币陷入投机泡沫 公允价值仍为零Top 5 US Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B)Not as crazy as 1999 yet, Goldman Sachs: There is still room for this tech bull market.北上继续单周百亿扫货,加速买入这一高股息板块,一家公司增仓超 4%NVIDIA's soaring, with only a few bears still "resisting in a corner".再破 10 万元大关!两则传闻发酵,碳酸锂供需格局生变?Sora 将创造多少算力需求?NVIDIA ignites the market, multiple indices in the US, Japan, and Europe hit record highs, and the US dollar falls for the first time this year | Overseas Major Asset Weekly ReportNVIDIA told a story about "AI being a brand new industry," and Wall Street believed it.Opening up the smart ring market? Samsung Electronics is about to release its first Galaxy Ring.Breaking news! The full text of Warren Buffett's 2024 letter to shareholders.周六重要消息汇总Tonight, the highlights of Berkshire Hathaway's earnings report and shareholder letter are here!The "shortage" of GPUs is starting to ease, with some early buyers who rushed to purchase now beginning to sell off their "high-priced inventory".吉利,IPO 又下一城From Microsoft, NVIDIA, Amazon to "Wooden Sister", the big shots are eyeing the new trend of AI: humanoid robots.This discerning consulting firm is only interested in four Bitcoin ETFs! BlackRock and Fidelity are among them.200 万上下文窗口创飞 Gemini 1.5!微软来砸谷歌场子了Report: Apple is currently internally testing a ChatGPT tool called ASK.The enthusiasm for AI has waned, while SPDR S&P 500 narrowly hit a historic high, NVIDIA reached a new peak but experienced a flash drop during trading, and Chinese concept stocks continued to rise for the week.BABA-SWR ignites the second engine.NVIDIA is gearing up for the "AI Summit"! The focus is on the B100 chip and Blackwell architecture.Goldman Sachs has changed its tune again: The first interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is now expected to be postponed until June.贝莱德比特币现货 ETFIBIT 持仓价值突破 65 亿美元段永平、巴菲特都踏空了英伟达?coinglass:比特币 ETF 总市值突破 400 亿美元WSB is buzzing about the pre-market surge of "car dealer" CVNA, up 33%, skyrocketing nearly 20 times in just over a year.苹果首款折叠屏产品可能不是 iPhonePre-market trading in the US: NVIDIA rises by 2% to reach $800! Technology and Chinese concept stocks are generally falling.证监会:目前没有 IPO 倒查 10 年的安排 将大幅提高拟上市企业现场检查比例海外车企电动化,发现还是油车香"Chongqing's Li Ka-shing" is bottom-fishing R&F PROPERTIES.美股三大期指微跌,欧股小幅回调,英伟达盘前涨逾 2%Rating Quick Look | NVIDIA's explosive performance, but the target price has been significantly lowered?! Salesforce emerges as the top software stock.Always trying to buy at the lowest point? How do investment masters view this?National AI? Lao Huang has set his sights on a super potential client: the government.In the U.S. stock options market, NVIDIA's trading volume surged to 2.5 million contracts! AMD and Super Micro Computer followed the upward trend.Can AI replace human jobs? HSBC conducted an experiment.Groq 的 LPU,能否颠覆英伟达的 GPU?Heavy on Tesla, missed out on NVIDIA, the Wall Street top player who once had high hopes for AI, "Wood Sister," failed to catch the feast.英伟达一夜狂欢,但斌成了最兴奋的人之一Finally, Taobao now accepts WeChat Pay.英伟达主办,它可能是今年最受关注的 AI 盛会之一英伟达点燃市场情绪!看多一切?唯一看空的是货基理解市场 | 港股下波高位在哪里?The tipping point of AI is here! It's not that NVIDIA can't afford it, it's that AMD offers better value for money.After repelling doubts, can NVIDIA defeat the "Seven Sisters" only through inflation?The 'American Retail Investors Headquarters' is about to IPO, raising $800 million from forum users, with Ultraman holding a 5% stake.After privatizing for HKD 15.6 billion, where is TRAD CHI MED heading?