李嘉诚,为何频频 “打折卖楼”?“AI 之王”,正瞄准这些风口!遭退市警告,极星汽车 “四面楚歌”Alibaba and JD.com make successive moves中金 | 资金流向:被动外资大幅流入Hitting a new high! Dell becomes the "AI new favorite", rising 114% this yearSplitting stocks! NVIDIA is just the first one, more tech stocks are coming up nextShipping revival? Morgan Stanley doesn't believe it!What issues are being discussed in the AI PC era from the Lenovo conference call? | AI DehydrationBilibili: Confident in high advertising growth this year (1Q24 conference call minutes)Inverse and equal-weighted ETFs are lackluster, with historical low volatility, as the US stock market refuses to "question"!Google AI's large model "failed"? It suggested users spread glue on pizza, claiming that eating stones is good for the body巨头现身!加速打造算力 “心脏”数据缓和通胀担忧,美股指反弹,道指仍终结五周连涨,英伟达财报周涨超 10%Eli Lilly increases investment in "weight loss drug": announces $5.3 billion investment to expand production capacityIs water the next shortage after electricity? Morgan Stanley: By 2030, data centers will consume 4.5 billion gallons of water per day!Kuaishou aims to break the deadlock in e-commerceCrazy sell-off! What did Bilibili do wrong again?Lei Jun has bigger ambitionsGoldman Sachs: Postpones the Fed's first rate cut from July to SeptemberUS Stock Market Outlook | It is rumored that NVIDIA will lower the price of AI chips in China, and the US stock market will be closed next MondayAvalon GloboCare received a notice from Nasdaq regarding the delay in releasing quarterly reports港股复盘:继续调整美股的高息股是如何定价的上班收费代打卡,京东为曾经的管理不善买单明年一季度投产!特斯拉上海储能超级工厂开工,储能市场的 “鲶鱼” 来了?抖音电商 2024 年 GMV 目标是 4 万亿,非常接近去年的拼多多以太网崛起,英伟达 Infiniband 正在遭受蚕食NetEase awaits new explosive productsUBS: Gold "two steps forward, one step back", market fundamentals very strong继裁员之后,特斯拉上海工厂被曝减产野村辜朝明:几周前,鲍威尔还被捧成 “当代格林斯潘”,如今美联储意识到紧缩还不够Reminder: The US stock market will be closed next Monday in observance of Veterans DayAfter cutting low-volume affordable models, Tesla cancels its grand plan to sell 20 million cars annuallyNewly listed Quzhich Group's grey market surged by 60%Goodbye Intel! Will NVIDIA be included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average after the 1:10 split?Microsoft's next-generation operating system blueprint: AI and cloud-based WindowsSummary of target prices from major banks after NVIDIA's financial report大模型的扑克牌:独家内幕故事OneMedNet surges on network and platform expansionSmall-cap company ONMD soared 200%, with further gains of 60% in after-hours tradingJack Ma and Dalio both made a move, billionaires competing for Singapore's "shophouse"降息预期 “又崩了” ,亚太 “股债汇” 三杀After rising 12 times in a year and a half, foreign capital began to withdraw from South Korea's "demon stock" Hanmi Semiconductor恒生科技指数跌超 2%,哔哩哔哩绩后跌超 11%、康方生物跌超 40%Nvidia's split of soaring stock could boost retail investor appeal, Dow chances中国 AI 独角兽资本大冒险王小川谈大模型格局:大模型降价卖的是云服务,AI 超级应用会 “像人一样”!华尔街的两个 “关键忧虑”,英伟达都解决了