Meta 和 IBM 成立「AI 联盟」!50 家知名机构加入,网友:AI 版复仇者联盟?中信集团党委书记迎新,原副董事长奚国华晋升投行人兼任独董争议暗起,海电运维 IPO 乘 “抢装潮” 东风后何去何从?Who grabbed the most NVIDIA GPUs this year?Breaking through the $44,000 mark! The prospect of a Bitcoin ETF boosts market confidence.Son Masayoshi "Fierce Investment" in Autonomous DrivingAfter regaining a market value of $3 trillion, can the "stock king" Apple continue to rise?比特币涨势凶猛 第三大比特币 “巨鲸” Robinhood 跟随收涨逾 10%就业市场降温助美债反弹,科技股给力纳指转涨,原油创五个月新低,比特币续创新高CCData:近期比特币涨势韩国加密货币交易员影响力跃升昔日 “救命恩人” 超 6 亿美元抛售!巴克莱遭卡塔尔大金主砍半减持蔚来电话会:自主制造成本将下降 10%,即将发布全新车型或成 “新标杆”黄金大涨后,下面轮到白银了?Mistral, a competitor of Open AI, is valued at nearly $2 billion and has prestigious shareholders such as A16z and Nvidia.Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week Highs and Lows Statistics | December 5thIBM has announced the release of a quantum computing chip and plans to build a supercomputer within 10 years.2027 年 Cybertruck 交付量有望达 60 万辆?!海归 “厂二代” 自救:Temu 崛起与中国外贸叙事变迁又是港股痛苦的一天!后市继续多灾多难?Meituan "Looking Inward"芯片,全面复苏?Meizu's entry into the automotive industry is fueled by GEELY AUTO's courage | Insight ResearchResponsibility Investment Forum | China Responsible Investment Annual Report 2023: China's responsible investment scale exceeds CNY 33 trillion.市场过度悲观?明年底恒指目标 19890 点!美股年末还会涨吗?华尔街狂泼冷水:反弹资金流动力已完全耗尽!Why did gold prices plummet and Bitcoin continue to rise after both broke through on Monday?全球药企的减肥梦How strong is the dovish expectation? The market prices in 5 interest rate cuts next year.药明生物暴跌,CXO 全线飘绿背后:缺少 “预言家” 的狼人杀金价的 “格林斯潘之谜”Swiss pharmaceutical giant enters the weight loss drug market! Roche acquires Carmot for $3.1 billion.Demand drops significantly + inadequate charging infrastructure, the European electric vehicle industry is in decline萨尔瓦多总统称该国的 BTC 投资盈利已超过 300 万美元胜利证券与 EMC Labs 联合推出合规比特币基金十大券商 2024 年经济展望:中国经济 “活力释放” 稳经济政策 “总体偏扩张”智通港股解盘 | CXO 逻辑生变遭遇滑铁卢 恒指空头排列宜保存实力美股异动 | 比特币飙升至 41800 美元 加密货币股盘前大涨助亿万富豪成功寻亲股价起飞 ,格灵深瞳年内能否扭亏J.P. Morgan's 2024 Commodity Outlook: Fed Rate Cuts Boosting Gold, Expected to Break Through $2300Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-week Highs and Lows Statistics | December 4th金价创高,黄金 ETF 热度升温韩国散户偏爱美国科技股杠杆 ETF 携资数十亿美元狂买赛道 Hyper | 成为乔布斯:库克力推 Vision Pro工信部原部长苗圩:新能源车渗透率超 50% 的目标或提前十年实现