After three years of losses totaling 1.7 billion, this leading hydrogen energy company is planning to go public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange开盘:美股周三低开 股指延续 9 月开局低迷态势外盘头条:拜登将阻止美国钢铁收购案 英伟达称未收到美国司法部传票 沃尔沃放弃 2030 年纯电动汽车计划Fed Study: The biggest driver of inflation is expected to ease by the end of the year9 月 4 日美股成交额前 20:美元树业绩逊预期,股价重挫 22%US stocks perform the third worst this year! Goldman Sachs: Market collapse is not uncommon, with two reasonsBehind the pressure on CXO performance and differentiation, industry recovery may become the theme in the second half of 2024Li Auto wants to arm wrestle with TeslaFormer Federal Reserve Official: Investors may be misled by economic dataMeituan-W repurchased 4.98 billion Hong Kong dollars worth of 4.207 million shares on September 4thAnother heavy blow! Intel's latest manufacturing process failed to pass Broadcom's testPre-market news flash on US stocksBaidu Wen Xiaoyan enters a new battlefieldBYD: Don't be fooled by its "mask"!UK August Services PMI rises to four-month high, driving continued economic expansionAlibaba-W repurchased 5.99812 million shares for 58.248 million USD on September 3rdDriven by the rise in energy costs, the Eurozone's PPI in July accelerated to 0.8% month-on-month消息称在 8 月份韩国销售的进口汽车中 特斯拉占近一成Shareholders' meeting passed, Guolian Securities and Minsheng Securities "efficiently integrated" to take another step美团新业务续亏 40 亿,王兴开始变阵了NVIDIA plunges, is it a good time to buy the dip?Tencent Holdings Limited spent HKD 1.003 billion on September 4th to repurchase 2.69 million sharesNVIDIA invests in Japanese AI startup Sakana AIShenwan Hongyuan: Verification of Shipping Industry Prosperity, Focus on Express Price Increase MarketThe critical moment has arrived! Should the Federal Reserve quickly and significantly cut interest rates?库克在卸任苹果 CEO 之后 可能出任执行董事长NVIDIA about to fall from grace? More than half of the super-rich investors are "keeping their distance"Citi Research: US stocks shifting to T+1 settlement is more challenging than expected"The bottom-fishing army" is ready, is NVIDIA going straight from the ICU to the KTV?Taobao is about to fully support WeChat PayTraditional Chinese sausage brand Rongye Food lowers the size of its US IPO, aiming to raise $9 million微软吐槽苹果 App Store 规则 30% 的佣金既不合理也不可持续Zhongyuan Mortgage: Some banks have raised cash rebates, and it is believed that other banks will follow suitElon Musk officially announced the launch of the super AI training cluster Colossus, planning to add another 100,000 NVIDIA GPUsBank of America warns: Non-farm payrolls hold the power of life and death, and interest rate cut expectations may face major changes!"Black Swan" Investor Warning: Fed Rate Cuts May Not Necessarily Bring Benefits高通推出最新人工智能 PC 芯片 加大对英特尔与 AMD 的竞争The China Taiwan Weighted Index closed sharply down by 4.52%, with Taiwan Semiconductor and Delta Electronics falling more than 5%英伟达股价周二大跌近 10% 市值一夜蒸发近 20000 亿英伟达 RTX 5090 D 确定明年 CES 发 600W 功耗惊人The Trump family was hacked, and there was a sudden cryptocurrency announcementProgress in the largest merger and acquisition in the securities industry in 2024, Jiangsu State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission approved Guolian's acquisition of Minsheng Securities"Shining" Zhang Jiqiang, the newly appointed director of HTSC Research InstituteRate cut expectations are at a peak! Are US bonds rising too fast? The non-farm payroll report will reveal the truth on FridayIs the US bond market betting on a rate cut of over 2% within a year, destined to be swept away by this week's non-farm payroll report?NVIDIA inverse leveraged ETF soared 19%! Antitrust makes AI stocks trembleMarket Insight | XPENG-W rose more than 3% intraday, XPeng's "Land Aircraft Carrier" plan to start pre-sale at the end of the year快讯:港股三大指数探底回升 黄金、石油股集体重挫NVIDIA's market value evaporated nearly $300 billion! Equivalent to the market's growing suspicion of "AI narrative" for AMD + IntelMarket Analysis | Cryptocurrency ETFs all decline, CAM ETH, HGI ETH both drop more than 6%