Reduced to funding in the middle.止步四连跌!港股午后转涨,汽车反弹,内房股翻红,快手涨超 6%美股 AI 概念股盘前走高,英伟达涨超 3.5%Review | From Microsoft + OpenAI to NVIDIA! How are overseas AI large-scale model enterprises cultivated?美股版 “弱现实,强预期”?投资者调查:衰退预期越强,科技股越要涨所有人都盯着英伟达,这家 “没落的巨头” 今年 “悄悄” 大翻身The rise depends entirely on FAAMNNGT! US stocks face sector rotation in the second half of the year.小鹏汽车创始人何小鹏财富缩水 75%Hong Kong stocks in the second half of the year: Valuations are very attractive, but liquidity is lacking, focusing on three main themes.“神车” 五菱走下神坛英伟达超算内存容量扩大 500 倍!“算力推动存力” 逻辑兑现?CPO 关键配套,交换机或成英伟达新超算短板美股科技股涨势未止? 衰退担忧愈烈,苹果等科技股人气越旺新加坡股市 29 日报:泰国酿酒成交量暴增中银国际:上调美团-W 目标价至 203 港元 评级买入MEDIA-比亚迪战胜特斯拉,赢得印尼最大出租车运营商大笔采购订单 -- 彭博新闻里昂:下调小鹏汽车目标价至 39 港元 评级买入7 年 33 倍!英伟达发展史 + 股价变化一览恒生国企指数从 1 月份高点下跌 20%,进入技术性熊市Hong Kong stocks may rebound! Will TENCENT, MEITUAN-W, and KUAISHOU-W lead the way?恒生科技涨幅扩大至 1%,汽车反弹,阿里、腾讯涨超 1%State of GPT: OpenAI 大神 Andrej Karpathy 揭秘大模型原理和训练全过程“日特估” 下的经典案例:投资者要罢免丰田 CEO!Breakfast | MEITUAN-Wang Huiwen gives up super voting rights, NVIDIA releases AI supercomputer DGX GH200全国多地算力正式接入中国算力网,算力互联互通迎来新突破木头姐:英伟达预期市盈率为 25 倍美联储 6 月加息 25 个基点的概率为 59%英美股休市,美国债务协议未能提振,清淡欧股回落,欧债反弹李开复:AI2.0 时代已经到来,AI 大模型是绝对不能错过的历史机遇黄仁勋在 COMPUTEX 大会上说了什么?这里是最全的亮点英伟达与 WPP 开发新款 AI 引擎,可快速高效大规模制作商业内容英伟达抛出 “大杀器”:新型 DGX GH200 人工智能超级计算机由 256 块 GH200 芯片组成“踏空” 英伟达后,“木头姐” 辩护:芯片周期有风险,目前对 Meta 的 AI 潜力感兴趣加码非洲锂矿开发!赣锋锂业拟以约 1 亿澳元溢价增资澳矿企苹果 MR 发布在即,盘点 VR 产业链Adding Apple, reducing Tesla, and investing in "Wei Xiaoli"! Canada's largest pension fund makes a 180-degree turn.美股的 “大问题”:英伟达逼近万亿,AI 已经是泡沫了吗?Sell Nvidia and buy UiPath! "Tech stock goddess" can't even calculate the value of AI.AI 见闻日报:英伟达将上线史上最强 AI 服务,速度快还更省钱 | 见智研究Amid the Hong Kong stock market hitting a six-month low, which industries offer the best value for money?Reference to the US Internet bubble in 1999, should we worry about today's AI technology stocks?Big Moves | Nvidia and PDD Target Prices Significantly Raised! MEITUAN-W Suffers Violent "Price Cut"