香港证监会点名 6 个可疑虚拟资产平台 无牌但在香港推广3nm,台积电的一道小坎库克证实苹果正在开发,类 ChatGPT 产品Preview of New US Stocks | After a year and a half of running for a US listing, can this insurance company succeed?扎克伯格在元宇宙里一小时的「真人对话」,惊艳了全世界中国铁路辟谣:“高铁因超员触发报警无法发车” 为虚假报道习近平:推进中国式现代化需要处理好若干重大关系美团:“周边游” 搜索量环比增 170%,有望迎五年来最火 “黄金周”New trend in AI application pricing: Pay-per-use!往返香港线路火爆,深圳铁路加开超 1100 列列车数据传通胀放缓利好,美股高开,中概雄起,美股 9 月仍难逃今年最惨月跌Quick Look from the Big Banks | Can Tesla rise to $400? Amazon receives positive outlook again!Pre-market trading in US stocks: Chinese internet and technology stocks, as well as US tech giants, are all on the rise. France approves iPhone 12 software update, while the risk of a US government shutdown still looms.港股高开高走,恒生科技涨 3.66%,汽车地产走高,餐饮旅游多数上涨,医药股走低In order to bring down Google, three years ago, Microsoft discussed selling Bing to Apple.Epic Games 宣布裁员 830 人,占比 16%Breakfast | Energy stocks become the most eye-catching sector in the US stock market in the third quarter, and Nvidia's French office is subject to a surprise regulatory inspection.US stocks have rebounded from a four-month low, while the US dollar, US bond yields, and oil prices have cooled down. Offshore renminbi has risen above 7.30 yuan.NVIDIA's French office was subjected to a surprise inspection by the competition regulatory authorities, causing a temporary narrowing of the stock price increase.美股大型科技股盘前多数走低,亚马逊跌超 1%美国第二季度 GDP 增速维持在 2.1% 不变,上周初请失业金人数小幅上升庆祝中华人民共和国成立 74 周年招待会在京举行 习近平发表重要讲话美国消费者支出增速降至一年多来最低水平China Evergrande: Mr. Xu Jiayin has been taken compulsory measures in accordance with the law due to suspected illegal activities.With the slowdown in foreign capital outflows and the acceleration of share buybacks, how should Hong Kong stocks be allocated?Wall Street is overreacting! HSBC: Continue to increase holdings of US stocks.Is OpenAI, valued at $90 billion, only second to ByteDance and SpaceX, too expensive?马云最信任的人动手了MINISO begins "upgrading" | Dolphin ResearchPre-market Update: Peloton Soars 12%, Micron Technology Drops 5%! Chinese Tech Stocks Plunge, Apple's Car Project Goes SilentQuick Look at the Big Banks | Is there a buying opportunity for Tencent? How much more can it rise? Tesla's target price has been downgraded!国家互联网信息办公室就《规范和促进数据跨境流动规定(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见央行等多部门:优化粤港澳大湾区 “跨境理财通” 业务试点,进一步推进大湾区金融市场互联互通第四范式 IPO 首日流通股仅 0.3% 虚高的市值或演绎快手悲剧News: Masayoshi Son invests $1 billion, OpenAI and Ive join forces to create the "iPhone of the AI era"Ali + Tencent =? Win-win in the new competitive landscape! In recent years, the competition between Ali and Tencent has become increasingly fierce. Both companies have their own strengths and advantages, and their competition has been a hot topic in the industry. However, with the changing market dynamics and the emergence of new technologies, the traditional competition between Ali and Tencent is gradually evolving into a new pattern of cooperation and win-win. Ali, as a leader in e-commerce and cloud computing, has a strong foundation in the consumer market. Its e-commerce platforms, such as Taobao and Tmall, have a large user base and a wide range of products. In addition, Ali's cloud computing business, represented by Alibaba Cloud, has also achieved remarkable results in recent years. With its advanced technology and comprehensive services, Ali has become the preferred partner for many enterprises in the digital transformation process. On the other hand, Tencent, as a giant in the Internet industry, has a strong presence in social networking, gaming, and digital content. Its social platforms, such as WeChat and QQ, have a large number of active users, and its gaming business, represented by Tencent Games, has a wide range of popular games. In addition, Tencent's digital content business, including video streaming and music streaming, has also achieved rapid growth in recent years. With its rich content and strong user stickiness, Tencent has become an indispensable part of people's daily lives. In the face of the changing market dynamics and the rise of new technologies, Ali and Tencent have realized that cooperation is the key to success. They have gradually shifted their focus from competition to cooperation, and have actively explored new business models and opportunities for collaboration. For example, in the field of cloud computing, Ali and Tencent have both made significant investments and achieved remarkable results. They have built a comprehensive cloud computing ecosystem, providing a wide range of services such as infrastructure, platform, and industry solutions. By leveraging their respective strengths and resources, Ali and Tencent have been able to provide customers with more comprehensive and competitive cloud computing services. In addition, Ali and Tencent have also explored cooperation in the fields of e-commerce, finance, and entertainment. They have jointly launched innovative products and services, such as online payment platforms, digital wallets, and online entertainment platforms. Through these collaborations, Ali and Tencent have been able to leverage their respective advantages and create new value for their users. In the new competitive landscape, Ali and Tencent are no longer just competitors, but also partners. They have realized that by working together, they can achieve win-win results and create more value for their users. With their complementary strengths and resources, Ali and Tencent are well positioned to seize the opportunities brought by the digital economy and continue to lead the industry. In conclusion, the combination of Ali and Tencent in the new competitive landscape is a win-win situation. Through cooperation and collaboration, they can leverage their respective strengths and resources to create more value for their users and achieve mutual success. As the industry continues to evolve, Ali and Tencent will continue to explore new opportunities for cooperation and innovation, and lead the way in the digital economy.US Stock Options | Active trading in Apple and Alibaba put options, threefold increase in trading volume for Micron Technology and Barrick Gold optionsInterest rates in the United States are soaring! Wall Street is already drawing parallels to 2008: we are now in 2007.NIO leads the decline by more than 17%! Why are Chinese concept stocks so miserable in September?Is the 2008 financial crisis happening again? JPMorgan warns: The risk in the US stock market is not just high interest rates!Google Pixel is rising, Apple iPhone's market share in Japan falls below 50% for the first time in two years.京东要卖特斯拉了Ideal Car's Hong Kong stock has been declining all the way. Why was the additional issuance terminated ahead of schedule?Next Week Preview | US September Non-Farm Payrolls Report, Speeches by Powell and other Fed Officials, TianTu Investment to List in Hong Kong