US electric vehicle sales reach a new record high, Tesla's market share is being eroded.Crushed by fellow Henan compatriots? The second largest diamond cultivator in the United States files for bankruptcy.OpenAI's annual revenue is $1.3 billion, with a 30% increase compared to the summer.CPI strengthens expectations for tightening, long-term bond sales are dismal, US bonds and stocks plummet, and US oil is close to erasing gains since the escalation of the Israel-Palestine conflict.The US automotive strike has reached a deadlock! The unexpected new round of strikes by the union has led Ford to claim that they have reached their limit.The culprit behind the sharp drop in US stocks and US Treasury bonds on Thursday: Rarely bleak demand for 30-year Treasury bonds!How does Wall Street view the US CPI? It is difficult to claim victory over inflation, and there may still be future interest rate hikes.Bank stocks are up! China Investment Corporation increases its holdings with a significant investment, showing remarkable results.Xiaopeng Motors: Joint development of vehicle models with Volkswagen Group is acceleratingCan the Federal Reserve pause rate hikes in November? Focus on tonight's heavyweight CPI data.Hong Kong Stock Market News | China Evergrande falls more than 10%, bondholders' special group demands Evergrande to fully and promptly disclose regulatory attitude.According to reports, Baidu is set to release the world's first AI-native map.Dojo+D1, is Tesla planning to enter the AI cloud service market in the future?The luxury trend has come to an end.Can AMD really break Nvidia's monopoly? AMD has risen more than 10% in the past two weeks, but...Is it really sustainable for AI startups to invest 80% of their funds in computing power?Tesla's 4680 battery achieves a major milestone: production exceeds 20 million units.Ping An Securities: Increased holdings by China Investment Corporation boost market sentiment, continue to see value in banking sector allocation.Goldman Sachs agrees to sell GreenSky, warning that the transaction will result in a 19 cent decrease in earnings per share for Q3.The aggressive interest rate hike by the central bank is futile. Russia has decided to reintroduce capital controls to support the ruble.Good news on the development of liver cancer treatment has caused the biotech stock Tempest to skyrocket 40 times in a single day.Morgan Stanley expects the US stock market to reach new highs by mid-2024 and is optimistic about the industrial sector.NVIDIA's 25-year roadmap has been leaked! Old Huang is betting big on B100 to beat AMD, and the secret weapon X100 has been revealed.To the Federal Reserve: "If you raise interest rates again, we will experience a hard landing!" American real estate developers and banks can't take it anymore.Former Party Secretary and Chairman of Guizhou Bank, Li Zhiming, is under investigation.99-year-old Munger: AI is "overhyped"The merciless sword of high interest rates strikes the US stock market. Will the long-cherished wish of "beating all" in performance be in vain?The interest rate crisis has been "resolved", and traders are no longer worried about the Federal Reserve.GLP-1 has a "significant effect" on kidney disease? The "miracle weight-loss drug" has once again proven its worth, as Novo Nordisk's stock price continues to rise.Value investment guru Grantham: Global assets are in a bubble, liquidation is imminent.Steve Jobs' favorite! "Ugly Shoes" brand Birkenstock lands on the US stock market with a valuation of $8.6 billion.US stocks have risen for three consecutive days, with the Chinese concept index up more than 3%. US bond yields have fallen by more than 10 basis points, and oil prices have turned lower.Has the demand for luxury goods cooled down? LVMH's sales in the first quarter of this year were lower than expected, and the growth rate in Q3 was cut in half compared to the previous quarter.A twist and turn! Australia's richest woman takes action, and the acquisition of the world's largest lithium miner is in jeopardy again.Workers at Amazon UK warehouse to walk out on Black FridayLei Jun enters the car manufacturing industry, becoming even more passive.The Internet has made the iPhone possible, will the AI era end the "touch screen"?Double-click on 'dollar and high interest', will gold price 'hold on now, win the future'?Tesla's car sales in China in September were 74,073 units, a YoY decrease of 11%.Honey Snow Ice City plans to go public in Hong Kong next year, raising approximately $1 billion in funding.Military stocks, oil stocks, or US bonds, which one is the best hedge for the "Israel-Palestine conflict"?Hong Kong Stock Market News | China Evergrande opens more than 5% higher as major offshore creditors urge it to negotiate a debt restructuring plan with regulatory authorities.Guo Mingchi: Tesla Cybertruck electric pickup truck will start delivery by the end of this year, with estimated shipments reaching 240,000 to 260,000 units by 2025.Pepsi is about to release its earnings report, but the market is only interested in the impact of diet pills.Chevron shuts down Israeli gas field, Europe bears the brunt as natural gas prices soar by 20%.The surge in interest rates is impacting the performance of the US banking industry, with billions of dollars in long-term debt becoming a burden.Google's "Century Anti-Monopoly Case" has begun, and the era of Apple effortlessly making money may be gone forever.OPEC raises long-term outlook for oil demand: Global oil consumption expected to increase by 16% in the next 20 years.US FDA declines to approve expanded use of Alnylam's heart-disease drugIntelligence Hong Kong Stock Analysis | Hong Kong stock market remains calm despite the resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the real test lies ahead.