特斯拉 CyberTruck 开起来是什么感觉?新 Game《元夢之星》能否撐起騰訊股價?昔日 “国货一哥” 22 亿港元买楼!年内股价跌超 70%港股萬六水平仍未見資金撈底點算?"GPU turning point" coming in the first quarter of next year? Faster than market expectations by one to two quarters!券商财富管理和卖方研究何去何从?中金中信这么看日媒:法国电动车补贴新规让亚洲厂商很担忧,意大利有意效仿?Is it time for bank stocks again? A large number of individual stocks have a price-to-book ratio of less than 0.5 times.国金证券:金价大涨 定价因子 “失灵” 了吗?With an annual income of 2.5 billion, this hedge fund manager is making a fortune!富士康扩大产能,苹果计划将全球 1/4 的 iPhone 产能移至印度马云之后,刘强东也在内网发声:京东基础依然在,相信会走出谷底龙头券商解读:公募二阶段降费对券商的三大影响The outlook for the economy in 2024 is hidden in the charts by major banks.公募监管新规对券基格局的颠覆特斯拉 48V 系统比 Cybertruck 更颠覆,其他车企会跟进吗?中日韩 CDMO“开撕”!富士、三星、药明同台,印度也来搅局?Bullish sentiment prevails as trading volume of the Japanese yen reaches a new high this year.300 亿元对赌协议即将到期,王健林再次断臂求生The bears are still here! This Wall Street investment bank: Tesla is the best short-selling target for 2024.基金&券商的行业格局要被颠覆了!Strong employment data unexpectedly dampens expectations of interest rate cuts, causing a plunge in US bonds and a decline in inflation expectations. US stocks open low and rise high, marking a six-week consecutive increase.苹果坏消息!iPhone 和手表设计一把手离职,核心部门管理层变动US Stock Market Update | Bitcoin-related stocks rise, Coinbase up over 4%"Gambling on interest rate cuts" meets Non-Farm Payrolls night, the market needs a reason to continue "outrunning the Fed"卖不动后,奢侈品价格将回归 “合理”?Alibaba's generous dividend of 18 billion"AI laggards" are getting anxious: After Google "hastily" released Gemini, Musk can't sit still either.Hong Kong Stock Market News | Fast Dog Taxi Soars Over 55% in the Afternoon, Rapid Development of Overseas E-commerce Market, Vast Opportunities for Express Delivery Overseas.Option Jack:料美股波段高位将出现在圣诞节后The governor of the state of Amazonas in Brazil calls out to Bezos: The website called "Amazon" needs to pay up.Did Alphabet-C "fake" the viral video of Gemini's "powerful multimodal capabilities"?The first wave of user feedback for Gemini is in: Not so good!科技股还能涨,但不看好英伟达和特斯拉?靠拼多多赚最多钱的投资人明年恒指有望上试 21000 点水平?!Recession or Soft Landing? Top executives' opinions diverge on the impact of the pandemicNegotiations between the issuer of the US Bitcoin ETF and the SEC have entered a critical stage of detailed discussions.Chen Guo: There is an opportunity for cyclical industries during the transition from bear to bull market. It is expected that China and the United States will jointly lower interest rates by next year.Before the heavyweight employment report, US stocks regained their "AI faith" and rebounded, with Google and AMD soaring. The Bank of Japan made hawkish remarks, causing the yen to rise.Learning from history: After the Bank of Japan raises interest rates, it won't be long before the global market suffers.234 funds exited this year! Retail investors' enthusiasm for investment has waned, and US ETFs are facing a wave of liquidation.Li Bin's all-in bet中东土豪,悄悄买空全球游戏圈Launching the mobile version of Gemini, Alphabet-C opens up a new front in AI, and large models join the battle of edge AI.Q3 LI AUTO-W temporarily hits sales ceiling, NIO-SWXPENG-W finally reaches turning point | Insight ResearchZhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week High and Low Statistics | December 7thReport: SpaceX discusses equity sale, latest valuation close to $175 billion.Hong Kong Stock Market News | BC Technology Group surges over 15% in the afternoon, Bitcoin returns to $40,000. The company provides digital asset trading for Hong Kong retail users.