Hong Kong Stock Market News | CHALIECO surges over 17% in early trading, with expectations of further heating up in the 2024 round of national reforms.Cloud giants accelerate their foray into AI. Amazon invests $10 billion to build data centers in Mississippi.Why is the market not buying CSPC Innovation's acquisition of weight loss drug assets? Analyzing the "H-style A" double play of CSPC PHARMA真假外资之辩:谁在买?买什么?怎么看?Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | With the approaching of the Spring Festival, the "gold rush" is on again! Long Element Jewelry is being snapped up. Will the gold price continue to rise? (With concept stocks attached)投资者兴趣降温 现货比特币 ETF 资金流入创新低Eli Lilly's market value surpasses Tesla: "Weight loss pills" exceed "Musk"?焦点分析 | 特斯拉:艰难 2023,煎熬 2024Breakfast | AMD, the chip giant, hits a new high, while Tesla's market value evaporates by $210 billion this month.After-hours stock price fell more than 10%! Intel's Q1 guidance is far below expectations, and the road to glory is long.SPDR S&P 500 hits another all-time high, chip giants NVIDIA and AMD reach new highs, while Tesla plunges over 10% dragging down the Nasdaq.FTC wields the "big knife" of antitrust, this time "cutting" into the AI fieldApple makes concessions in the European Union! Lower fees, allow downloads outside the App Store, changes in browsers and payment systems.Sales growth unexpectedly rebounded in the fourth quarter, LVMH's 2023 performance reaches a new historical high | Earnings Report InsightsSK 海力士 Q4 扭亏对芯片业意味着什么?美银:上调奈飞目标价至 650 美元 重申 “买入” 评级软银集团回应减持阿里巴巴:未在市场上买卖新的阿里股份,未来也不会一个月内拿下美国第四大钢铁厂和第十二大开发商,现金充裕的日资 “出海买增长”Tencent has invested 6.4 billion yuan in Beijing.The history of PetroChina's daily limit: Either in a bull market or in a market rescuePre-market US Stocks | Tesla plunges after earnings, TAL Education soars! NVIDIA leads chip stocks higherCharacter | From 3 million to 30 billion! The legendary Japanese retail investor美股三大股指齐涨,半导体盘前普涨,特斯拉盘前跌超 8%Rating Quick Look | Tesla's post-performance target price has been lowered! JD, Bilibili, and BIDU-SW also face "price cuts"实探!苹果 Vision Pro 预售被抢空,在华强北却 “遇冷”?多家公司正全力跟进Understanding the Market | The explosive growth of "A+H shares" in the Hong Kong stock market, where is the logic?Hot discussion on WSB | IBM takes over ASML, boosting chip stocks软银确认减持阿里巴巴股份 部分预付合约已完成实物结算US Stock Options | NVIDIA, Tesla, AMD, Netflix all experience a surge in trading volume!德银全球 CIO:美股短期内会有 5-10% 的调整国家金融监督管理总局:将进一步优化首付比例、贷款利率等个人住房贷款政策金融监管总局:近期将召开相关工作部署会,更加精准支持房地产项目合理融资需求小鹏汽车何小鹏:与大众的合作非常高效 今年小鹏有非常高的目标* 高盛:特斯拉无提供今年销量指引 显示增长可能显着放缓2 月 9 日起 中国和新加坡互免签证Analysis Report | Is Tesla the biggest victim of price wars?Small-cap stocks rebound strongly, and the bull market in US stocks is expected to continue.* 瑞银下调特斯拉目标价至 225 美元 看到欧美市场放缓及中国市场竞争激烈* 富瑞:特斯拉至 2026 年前增长面临压力理解市场 | 港股石油股为何大涨?里昂:降百度目标价至 158 美元 料上季增长维持稳定Champions League Rise: In the past six weeks, 20 new stocks have been listed in Hong Kong IPO, indicating that companies' investment intentions are currently strengthening.分析 - 创历史新高的美股与全球同类股票相比更加昂贵