AI 即将演化为一场泡沫Rating Quick Look | Netflix, Bilibili Target Price Raised! Tencent, Kuaishou "Buy", JD, NetEase Face "Price Cut"New Stock Grey Market | Chabaida falls more than 10% on its debutTop 10 HK Stock Losers (4.22)Top 10 HK Stock Gainers (4.22)Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (4.22)Crisis approaching? Morgan Stanley: The United States has only "a few years" to solve the ongoing debt issueTop-performing new energy vehicles are also forced to lower prices | Jianzhi Research理想汽车跟随特斯拉加入价格战:股价跌破 100 港元 股价面临腰斩US Stock Options | Nvidia, Netflix trading volume doubles! SMCI, ARM trading volume surgesInstitution: U.S. stocks enter the accumulation zone, with three steps to increase positionsBearish sentiment lingers in the US stock market, "buying the dip" still carries risks美国国务卿布林肯将访华华为 “截胡” 小米,用小米 SU7 订单买智界 S7,华为门店:减免 5000 元美股 AI 板块暴跌:盈利将受考验,关注宏观不确定性"Replacement wave" for AI PCs? Chip and PC manufacturers can't wait, but the enterprise side is still watchingMarket Insight | Bitcoin concept stocks surge, Xun'an Technology rises more than 7% as Bitcoin breaks through $66,000 in the short termThe most outstanding Chinese trader on Wall Street: once earned $100 million a yearUnderstanding the Market | OSL Group Rises Nearly 6% in the Afternoon, Bitcoin Returns to $66,000, Hong Kong Approves Bitcoin Ethereum Spot ETF24/7 stock trading in the US coming soon? NYSE conducts survey with market participantsIntel Corporation's Low P/S No Reason For Excitement特斯拉多头为何降低评级12306 客服回应 “第三方平台用技术抢票”:也是候补Report: Apple ramps up AI competition with self-developed large on-device modelsTech Stock Weekly Recap: Across-the-board plunge! Tesla, Nvidia plummeted 14% in a week!Mass layoffs and Model 2 delay, Musk "All In" on RoboTaxi and FSD腾讯大涨 5.5%,《DNF 手游》定档 ,有望贡献可观收入内地五措施支持香港金融市场 惟短期影响有限有人上周五花 800 美元买入英伟达零日看跌期权,账户金额当天飙升至 10 万美元“不降息”!中国 4 月 1 年期、5 年期 LPR 均维持不变一夜跌没 15350 亿元!芯片巨头英伟达,会不会步特斯拉后尘?港股科技指数成份股多数走强 网易涨近 4%Will the US stock market be saved this week? The Federal Reserve's "favorite" inflation indicator, and the financial reports of tech giants are coming字节又和微信杠上了美股 “抄底” 机会来了?专家:建议逢低买入,标普 500 有望升破 5400 点学习 Citadel,大宗商品掀 “军备竞赛”:AI 和大数据第一批投大模型的 VC,开始卖老股了?Breakfast | The financial reports of US tech giants are coming, the media reports that Hou Yi and Daniel Zhang are joining forces to buy Hema for $2 billion解读公司 | 特斯拉再次开打价格战?提醒:特斯拉、Meta、微软、谷歌、英特尔将发布业绩报告报道:马斯克主张优先开发 RoboTaxi,特斯拉 2.5 万美元车型悬了?中国驻美大使:希望美方同中方相向而行探索相处之道