恒指收跌 1.62%,白酒尾盘拉涨,光伏涨幅居前,联想集团跌超 7%Financial Report is Out | XIAOMI-W's Q1 Profit Improves, Gross Margin Reaches Record HighBing、Office 后终于轮到 Windows,微软 “颠覆一切” 野心已经 “昭然若揭”Big move to watch | Nvidia's target price for performance has been significantly raised! TENCENT still has 40% upside potential?欧盟法院驳回 Meta 对欧盟反垄断监管机构的质疑富途季报图解:营收 25 亿港元过半来自利息收入 境内 APP 已下架Alibaba goes to the middle platform, will other big companies follow?海外三大风口:欧洲 “奢侈茅” 隔夜崩了!美国 “科技茅” 和 “日特估” 还能挺多久?恒指公司:中特估与降存息带动高息内银股跑出 港股较 A 股更吸引Four months fell more than 40%! Will PDD have a surprise in the first quarter performance?创纪录新高!全球大型上市公司一季度股息超 3000 亿美元,同比增长 12%传万达拟出售 20 家商场以回笼资金?回应来了:不予置评报道:韩请求美方重新审视芯片 “护栏” 规定,放宽在华扩大产能限制Small Mo: XPENG-W and NIO-SW have the opportunity to "reverse the adversity"! BYD may still have expected differences.At the beginning of the month, Tesla suddenly raised its prices. Could it be that they will lower them again this summer?!疯狂的幻方:一家隐形 AI 巨头的大模型之路Target price of $187! Apple MR is expected to debut this year with high growth in service revenue.美银:对大型科技公司推动股市上涨的担忧被夸大了高盛看多美元:还有上涨空间B 站前游戏业务负责人张峰已离职US Stock Options | Amazon Forward Call Trading Surges, Zoom and Pfizer Options Trading QuadruplesHSBC, Citi, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley and RBC traders broke competition law, watchdog finds微信视频号直播推游戏功能正式上线菜鸟内部人士:网传图片裁员为假消息协鑫朱共山:2027 年光伏将超越煤炭,成第一大能源;新型储能 2025 年或达 230GW 规模可持续专栏 | 毕马威中国 ESG 行动的实际影响Alibaba is reported to have laid off a large number of employees! Just because of the "removal of the middle platform" spin-off? No, the blame is on e-commerce!奈飞终于对共享账户下手了,每月额外收 8 美元大华银行最新调研:超九成企业有强烈的海外拓展需求,新马泰成热门目的地马斯克:推特今年 6 月就能扭亏为盈,要 “集中火力” 与谷歌和微软竞争 AI微软、谷歌都在布局,数字水印或成 AI 打假利器白宫再放风:美中对话将继续,“适当” 时机会重新安排布林肯等人访华恒指低开 0.78%,光伏涨幅居前,传媒、医药领跌,零跑汽车跌超 6%腾讯副总裁出任虎牙董事长,押注 “内容分发 + 应用分发” 赛道香港虚拟资产平台发牌制度 6 月生效 散户可买卖日本正式限制半导体设备出口,涉 23 个品类新加坡股市 23 日报:Manulife Reit 买单激增,价格大涨美股业绩指引不可信?研究显示:近 70% 时候是错误的为了监控金融市场,美联储用 Twitter 数据建了个新指标继续瞄准谷歌搜索业务,微软将把 Bing 设为 ChatGPT 的默认搜索引擎微软 Build 大会:关于 ChatGPT 重磅内容,全在这了!中国新任驻美大使谢锋:我为捍卫中国利益而来 为增进中美交流合作而来Breakfast | The 13th China-US Political Party Dialogue Held, Alibaba Cloud and NetEase Youdao Respond to Rumors of Large-scale Layoffs