A twist and turn! Australia's richest woman takes action, and the acquisition of the world's largest lithium miner is in jeopardy again.Workers at Amazon UK warehouse to walk out on Black FridayLei Jun enters the car manufacturing industry, becoming even more passive.The Internet has made the iPhone possible, will the AI era end the "touch screen"?Double-click on 'dollar and high interest', will gold price 'hold on now, win the future'?Tesla's car sales in China in September were 74,073 units, a YoY decrease of 11%.Honey Snow Ice City plans to go public in Hong Kong next year, raising approximately $1 billion in funding.Military stocks, oil stocks, or US bonds, which one is the best hedge for the "Israel-Palestine conflict"?Hong Kong Stock Market News | China Evergrande opens more than 5% higher as major offshore creditors urge it to negotiate a debt restructuring plan with regulatory authorities.Guo Mingchi: Tesla Cybertruck electric pickup truck will start delivery by the end of this year, with estimated shipments reaching 240,000 to 260,000 units by 2025.Pepsi is about to release its earnings report, but the market is only interested in the impact of diet pills.Chevron shuts down Israeli gas field, Europe bears the brunt as natural gas prices soar by 20%.The surge in interest rates is impacting the performance of the US banking industry, with billions of dollars in long-term debt becoming a burden.Google's "Century Anti-Monopoly Case" has begun, and the era of Apple effortlessly making money may be gone forever.OPEC raises long-term outlook for oil demand: Global oil consumption expected to increase by 16% in the next 20 years.US FDA declines to approve expanded use of Alnylam's heart-disease drugIntelligence Hong Kong Stock Analysis | Hong Kong stock market remains calm despite the resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the real test lies ahead.Tesla to ramp up lithium refinery earlier than plannedHow does OpenAI defend its moat? Who will be eliminated? This is the future industry landscape of AI in the eyes of venture capitalists.Net inflow of HKD 684 million in Hong Kong Stock Connect for MeituanGuangzhou's richest man appoints Son Masayoshi's deputyGu Chaoming: Soaring interest rates are approaching a critical point.TikTok's e-commerce ambitions fail in IndonesiaAfter the success of the "sauce-flavored coffee" strategy, Luckin Coffee has once again made a move in the "IP embrace" game: Tom & Jerry suddenly appeared in everyone's social media feed.Morgan Stanley: PC market to experience rapid growth next year, these two stocks are preferred.Singapore banks sharpen scrutiny after $2 bln money laundering scandal -sourcesHang Seng Tech Index fluctuated weakly, BYD Electronics rose nearly 8% to a two-year high. Alibaba, SenseTime, and "Wei Xiaoli" fell more than 1%-3%.The sudden escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which industries and individual stocks will be negatively impacted?Another AI application tops the charts in the app store.Activist investor Nelson Peltz increases his stake in Disney and seeks multiple seats on the board of directors.Goldman: Israel Attacks Unlikely To Have Any Immediate Large Effect on Oil Supply-Demand"Winning move" on the US mutual fund ranking: Did they buy it? How much did they buy Nvidia?The fierce competition in the smart driving industry, how does ZhiXing Auto seize the opportunity to go public?Under the inventory clearance cycle, Anta "rides the wind" and strengthens its presence in the segmented market through the Asian Games.Baidu-SW is intensively training the Wenxin Big Model 4.0 and plans to release it at the Baidu World Conference.Geopolitical tensions resurface, is the appeal of safe-haven assets on the rise?Crushing the food industry, benefiting the clothing industry! "Miracle weight-loss drug" reshaping consumer behavior?Market Analyst: Oil prices are expected to "rise" on Monday, with limited overall impact, but the premise is "not to escalate".ExxonMobil's bold bet on shale oil has ushered in a new era of "mega-mergers" in the oil industry.Yu Chengdong asks the industry, "Resurrecting from the dead"下周前瞻 | 华尔街大行财报季开启!美国 9 月 CPI、PPI,多名美联储官员讲话Fifty years ago, there was also a Middle East war, followed by the "oil crisis".Who is the ideal real opponent in the field? | Insights from Dolphin ResearchIsrael's "Pearl Harbor moment"! The "bloody assist" of oil prices?"Buff stacking" addictive? Bank wealth management fast redemption limit increased to 1.5 millionJinghua Optics, a delisted company, plans to relist through a second listing and aims to sprint towards an IPO. Will the betting agreement make the Beijing Stock Exchange "unofficially" qualified for listing?Mysterious researcher "stirs up trouble", quantitative hedge fund giant attracts attention again in the "whirlpool"Trillion-dollar Strong Accumulation Fund - Hong Kong's largest long position has increased!Seize the "last opportunity"! Japan invites global asset management giants to "invest"Another "big customer" of NVIDIA wants to do it themselves, Microsoft will launch its own AI chip next month.