雷军再提小米汽车全球前五目标亚市早盘: 亚洲股市走高 此前标准普尔 500 指数创历史新高LINEKONG 计划最多购买 600 万美元的加密货币。Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Snapped up! Apple Vision Pro pre-sale is exceptionally hot, a new revolutionary product has arrived (with concept stocks)Breakfast | Tesla, Netflix, Intel, and others release earnings this week, Apple Vision Pro pre-orders are hot黄仁勋 “闪现” 英伟达欲稳中国市场Arkhouse 证实报价每股 21 美元收购梅西百货Understanding the Market | How to Invest in the 2024 US Stock Financial Technology Payment Sector?After a two-year high, technology stocks lead an astonishing rebound in Pro UltrPro Shrt S&Pro 500.美媒:OpenAI 首席执行官正与全球投资者洽谈,开始筹划自己制造芯片央行:发挥好货币政策工具总量和结构双重功能,盘活存量、提升效能央行:下一阶段,货币政策将更加注重跨周期和逆周期调节兴证全球基金谢治宇旗下兴全合宜 A 年报最新持仓,重仓快手-WWinning first doesn't mean winning! How long can NVIDIA and OpenAI monopolize OpenAI?全球供应链受损已超疫情早期!航运巨头致信客户 “为全球网络遭受重大破坏做好准备”多资产策略的胜利?桥水、Two Sigma 中国基金 2023 年收益率超过 10%,表现优异科技股强劲收复失地,金价六周来最大单周跌幅 | 海外大类资产周报【会议纪要】交大高金胡捷:美联储这些 “言外之意”,你读懂了吗?New highs! The hot trend is not only limited to NVIDIA and AMD, but also includes Meta Platforms and Supermicro.巴西锂矿争夺战,比亚迪正面刚 “宁王”?Is Vision Pro the "luxurious past" and R1 the "minimalist future"?首批苹果 VisionPro 只要 25000,官网秒崩现货炒至 89000While Huang Renxun and Su Zifeng are making money, Zuckerberg and Musk are burning it, and Ultraman also wants a piece of the pie.美股再创历史新高背后 美联储又开始放水了!Gloomy outlook for the US electric car market: Tesla's stock price plummets, Ford Motor struggles to sell, and "new forces" warn of an industry massacre.AI 赢了美联储,美股创了新高,科技股依然碾压价值股Chip stocks surged by 4%, further boosting the rise of the US stock market. The S&P reached a new all-time high, with AMD surging nearly 20% this Thursday, setting new records along with NVIDIA.Alphabet-C DeepMind's two key scientists are starting their own venture, with the first round of financing potentially reaching up to 200 million euros.Difficult Transformation to Electrification: The Three Giants of the European and American Automotive Supply Chain Struggle to Survive, Massive Layoffs, Ford Motor Cuts Electric Pickup Production头部券商调整两融负债偿还规则,业内:券商为了防止投资者利用这种方式进行不合理的套现The "prosperity beyond measure" of GPUs, NVIDIA alone cannot handle为什么裁员成了硅谷科技巨头的 “新常态”?Judge considering dismissing SEC regulation? Citigroup continues to raise Coinbase target price世界黄金协会:2023 年黄金上涨 15% 至 2078 美元/盎司 创下最高年度收盘记录AI to replace 40% of productivity? Barclays conducted a detailed calculation100 Q&A with Duan Yongping last year: Involving Tencent, Apple, Moutai, life...Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (01.19) | Hang Seng Index fell by 0.54%, technology, pharmaceutical, and automotive stocks under pressure, gaming stocks performed actively比特币现货 ETF 四天总交易量超 111 亿美元,香港十余家基金公司正积极筹备After a 40% plunge, the voices claiming that Bitcoin is "worthless" have resurfaced.When will NVIDIA reach a market value of $2 trillion?港股异动 | BC 科技集团跌超 11% 领跌比特币概念 比特币现货 ETF 上市以来每日均收跌全球回报率最佳 ESG 基金源于大举押注加密货币股At the end of the year, Zuckerberg holds 3.35 million H100! His new goal: AGI, and it will be open source!比特币 ETF 登陆美股后日日跌! 然而三日吸金规模已打破纪录茅台再次联名瑞幸推出新春新品Net outflows from US money market funds, and usage of Fed rescue tools surges againAmazon's AWS to invest $15 bln to expand cloud computing in Japan