美国夏威夷毛伊岛大火已造成至少 101 人死亡July 70 City Housing Prices: Decline in Second-hand Housing Prices Widens, Rise in First and Second-tier New Housing Prices Falls, Chengdu Continues to Lead新加坡股市 15 日报:市场活跃度上升,多只个股成交激增电商链的诺基亚时刻香港电视高开超 13% 近日与华人文化订立融资协议The acquisition case of the American Steel Company has far-reaching implications and may shake the foundation of the American manufacturing industry.Robotaxi fully opened up for a day, and San Francisco experienced its first large-scale "network delay congestion".降息之后,可能还有降准、降息OpenAI 宣布将 GPT-4 引入内容审核系统,减少人工参与Nvidia 股价周二一度飙升逾 3%,券商在其发布财报前纷纷上调目标股价A Mixed Bag in the Agricultural Market: Corn Hits a New Low Since 2020, Argentina Restricts Beef Exports for 15 Days美股齐跌超 1%,银行股指跌约 3%,中概指数跌 2%,美元美债收益率反弹One day completes six months of work! OpenAI reveals GPT-4's new feature: content moderation.European natural gas prices surge again! Up 18% during trading, Australian LNG strike may begin.Vietnamese version of Tesla, VinFast, goes public in the US, with its stock price surging over 170% during trading hours.美股全线跌约 1%,道指跌超 300 点,中概股指跌 2.6%,离岸人民币下挫 500 点KUAISHOU-WR has made a breakthrough申万宏源:7 月经济数据仍有结构性亮点Tesla recruiting local operations team to bring FSD to China, report says李彦宏放弃造车:集度更名极越,变吉利子品牌国家卫生健康委就全国医药领域腐败问题集中整治工作发布有关问答新加坡金管局确定稳定币监管框架新加坡 7 月私人住宅销售环比暴增 5 倍,创一年多新高马斯克:今晚笼中决斗,我开特斯拉去小扎家,敢开门就直播穆迪称中国今年底将成为全球最大汽车出口国掏出 “36+6” 亿 “救了” 许家印!“中东土豪” 纽顿是谁?半导体 “寒气” 比预期更久国家统计局:相关部门正积极谋划实施促进经济回升向好的储备政策统计局:7 月份 CPI 同比下降很大可能性是短期现象外媒:富士康母公司预计 iPhone 及其他手机今年销量都将下滑统计局:居民住房消费和房企投资意愿有望逐步改善平静之下暗潮汹涌!末日期权交易量飙升至创纪录水平美国发布针对电动汽车充电站的网络安全准则草案香港交易所和银行据悉研究提振股票和衍生品市场交易的途径BlackRock's "brother" in the same industry, funds are once again "losing" in wealth management!* China's urban survey unemployment rate in July was 5.3%, slightly higher than the market expectation of 5.2%."Tiger Global sells technology stocks against the market trend! Tiger Global reduces holdings of technology giants 'AAMG' in Q2, while establishing positions in Gilead Sciences and Novo Nordisk."新加坡股市 14 日报:金龙鱼母公司丰益国际股价暴跌,成交狂飙“降息”!中国央行续作 MLF,利率下调 15BP