全球最大资管警告:高利率将伤及美国消费和经济天风证券:游戏出海将优先受益于 AI 带来的降本增效股价盘后大跌 21%!SolarEdge 大幅下调 Q3 营收指引,带崩太阳能板块特斯拉暴跌 9%,马斯克身家蒸发 160 亿美元,仍为世界首富华尔街大行今年已 “默默” 裁员 2 万人!更坏的时刻恐未到来环保人士差点搞砸重磅讲话:鲍威尔开场曾被迫下台Bank of America: US stocks and corporate bonds may be recovering from the repricing shock caused by the "historic sell-off" of US bonds.Lei Jun has made a big move.鲍威尔讲话前,美股指盘中均曾转跌,财报后奈飞狂飙超 10%、特斯拉盘中跌超 9%Google is going to manufacture smartphones in India.Getting closer to completely replacing humans! Amazon launches logistics "humanoid robots"灿芯股份 IPO 暂缓审议:与中芯国际关联关系成监管重点US consumers unwilling to pay the bill, electric vehicle giants have to slow down production.全力扩大 GPU 朋友圈!联手富士康,英伟达又造了个新词 “AI 工厂”PwC teams up with OpenAI, are the "Big Four" still far from replacing humans with AI?How much longer can weight loss pills remain popular?AI chip demand supports! TSMC's Q3 performance exceeds expectations, but net profit declines by 24.9% YoY | Earnings ReportHong Kong Stock Market News | Li Xiang Auto-W drops nearly 5% in the afternoon, with over 60,000 orders for the M7. Li Xiang plans to temporarily avoid Huawei's competition."War" has begun! Google folks, roll up your sleeves!Turnaround: Jiangnan Clothier turns losses into profits Jiangnan Clothier has successfully turned its losses into profits, marking a significant turnaround for the company.Early investors in OpenAI: 80% of the tasks in our work will be replaced by AI, including finance and medical professionals.JD.com makes a move towards instant retail.微软 Azure OpenAI 支持数据微调啦!可打造专属 ChatGPTWhat are the three hardest things to buy this year?港股现在最危险的是什么?A disheartened Musk, a plummeting Tesla, "In the storm, even the strongest ship can encounter troubles."美股已经出现可靠的买入信号?首次曝光!OpenAI 遭遇罕见挫折,中断开发新 AI 模型FACTBOX-Elon Musk on interest rates, uncertainty and Tesla's costs如何理解 “英伟达 + 鸿海”?黄仁勋也有 “造车梦”!Tesla's Q3 revenue and profits were both lower than expected, with operating profit margins falling to their lowest level since Q1 2021.AI giant OpenAI may seek to sell shares, with a valuation soaring to $86 billion.Tesla's Q3 gross margin continues to decline under the impact of price cuts, while increasing investment in AI, with the Cybertruck pickup truck becoming the focus. | Earnings Report InsightsNetflix Q3 earnings report exceeds expectations, announces price increases in the US, UK, and France, and surges more than 12% after hours.香港楼市可能适度 “减辣”!After-hours surge of 13%! How impressive is Netflix's Q3 earnings report?The shockwaves of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have arrived! Airlines are heavily impacted, oil prices surge, flights are suspended, and United Airlines plummets | Earnings Report大盘指数 “拼图” 来了!深圳 50 正式发布,易方达、富国火线上报 ETF 材料比亚迪业绩炸了,压力给到特斯拉外资看财报之高盛:将继续缩减商业地产敞口TikTok is going to fight a tough battle.Latest Key Risk in US Stocks: Beware of Escalation in Middle East Situation!不惧价格战,Q3 比亚迪销量、利润同创新高 | 见智研究Venture capital giant Marc Andreessen: Technology is the only source of growth中金:中美库存周期的错位与共振