日本大阪府部分居民血检异常 疑与水体受污染有关Home by the river: Hang Seng Index is waiting for the US stock market to provide guidance in the short term.小米 14 系列上市销售 10 天全渠道销量高达 144.74 万台"New Stock News" According to reports, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has requested Cainiao to supplement the materials for overseas issuance and listing filing.美股正在观望:年底行情会有吗?Zhitong Decision Reference | Hang Seng Index continues to decline, bearish momentum weakening印度考虑降低电动汽车关税以吸引特斯拉投资AI is set to become a revenue-generating tool, and Morgan Stanley is optimistic about Apple.高盛和摩根士丹利对美联储降息的预测有分歧 相差 125 个基点Goldman Sachs: Hedge funds' bearish positions on US financial stocks increased to a five-year high last week.“马化腾” 称用阿里云不如用腾讯云? 腾讯云回应:假的降准的概率明显上升First coverage, first bearish view! HSBC's heavyweight research report on TeslaThe Silent Majority: Without these 10 large-cap stocks, the US stock market's performance this year would be "zero growth".The end of the interest rate hike cycle, investors are starting to bet on large-cap technology stocks.Is this overseas "stock and bond rally" too strong and too fast? Without fundamental and technical support?Selling their own bank stocks, not only JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon among Wall Street executivesBlue-chip stocks plummet, is the rally in the Japanese stock market coming to an end?Amazon's new large-scale model, Olympus, is revealed! With 20 trillion parameters, it surpasses GPT-4 in an instant.中芯国际业绩说明会:中国有大量本土产能需求,特殊工艺收入占 60%Ideal has completely transcended the circle of new forces.加密货币借贷机构 Celsius Network 结束破产案微信支付与三大运营商实现条码支付互联互通特斯拉输了自己发起的价格战Compared to the H100, how does the performance of NVIDIA's AI chips specially designed for China, fare?智界 S7:华为智慧出行新战略Gross profit margin surpasses Tesla, LI AUTO-W faces a new turning point | Insight Research英伟达新芯片,这个 “加配” 的技术成为数不多亮点?报道称腾讯将在中国独家代理销售 Meta 的 VR 头显,明年晚些时候出售大摩:中芯第四季毛利率指引逊预期 维持减持评级股价今年飙升 245%!比特币巨鲸放言:赶超苹果全靠它!"Analysis Report": Nomura lowers Hong Kong's GDP forecast for this year to 3.2%, expecting that the "spicy reduction" will not reverse the fundamental situation of the property market.美股内部撕裂前所未有 2024 将上演史诗级 “回归”?"Black Swan" fund manager: "Golden Girl" market trend will continue, but US stocks will sharply turn when the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates.Disney delays 'Deadpool' sequel, 'Blade' and other films in post-strike shuffle中芯国际:对建设的产能信心较高 未来还会有客户的需求与订单港股新股华视集团高开近 60% 一手中签率 10.56%恒指低开 0.92%,恒生科技指数跌 1.99%HSBC "Suggests Selling, Target Price 146", Tesla Falls 5% AgainCPI 转负,降息会来吗?"New Federal Reserve News Agency": Powell will not close the "interest rate hike door"超预期!“芯片一哥” 中芯国际资本开支大增 26%港媒:英伟达再为中国推 3 款 “改良” 芯片?最快 11 月 16 日之后公布Amazon and Meta Platforms form a rare "alliance": Instagram and Facebook can now directly link to Amazon shopping website with just one click.微软禁止员工接触 ChatGPT 等 AI 工具