Microsoft launches personal version of Copilot Pro subscription service, priced at $20 per month, allowing users to access Office AI features.亚市早盘:亚洲股市走低 油价在周一下跌后趋稳SkyBridge 创始人:下跌是投资者转入新 ETF 比特币将在明年涨 300%Breakfast | Goldman Sachs warns of excessive long positions in US stocks, TikTok denies negotiating to take over Alibaba's entertainment businessUS regulators give the green light to the newly redesigned Apple watch, but Apple pays a huge price91 家公司排队备案境外上市 港交所和纳斯达克成热门选择Behind the price reduction of Apple: A dual loss for consumer market and capital market?Vanke wants to continue leading in the second half.Goldman Sachs: Excessive crowding of long positions increases the risk of a pullback in the US stock market.HashKey Exchange 宣布与潘渡在数字资产交易方面开展合作Tesla: SpaceX maintains a 50% annual launch growth rate and plans to send humans to Mars within eight years.量产在即,飞行汽车会复制新能源汽车的故事吗?香港住宅租金今年有望再涨 10%!Internet insurance intermediary invested by Sequoia sprints for Hong Kong stocks, Shouhui Technology bets on the question of online direct sales channels.Rating Quick Look | "Buy" Tencent! "Increase holdings" for Microsoft and Amazon! Target price for Alibaba and XPENG-W lowered中国经济的三场赛跑——地产与非地产、政策与经济、经济与信心Morgan Stanley: Predicts that it is "too early" for the Fed to cut interest rates in March.理解市场 | 日股今年还涨得动吗?日经 ETF 触及涨停后快速跳水 溢价率高达 14%US Stock Options | Tesla's trading volume skyrocketed to over 3.22 million contracts! Post-earnings trading in bank stocks is booming.Japan's Nikkei hits 34-year peak above 36,000 as shippers rally"Trading price for quantity" is back! Apple launches rare discounts on iPhone 15 in China.全系车型降价超 3 万元?理想汽车回应:提前开始产品更新过渡比特币 ETF 热潮消退,比特币创下一个月来最糟表现Understanding the Market | How is the current cost-effectiveness of Hong Kong stocks, a low-volatility dividend asset?美股新股前瞻 | 中报净利失速,同日集团上市之路 “出师不利”?Goldman Sachs supports gold! It is expected to rise to $2,175 within a year.Hong Kong Stock Market News | Li Auto falls more than 4% as Li Auto reduces prices by over 30,000 yuan. Sales in the first week of the new year are lower than expected.摩根大通降李宁评级至减持 目标价削至 14 港元OpenAI 删除禁止技术军用条款亚市午盘:亚洲股市上涨 交易员增加对美联储降息押注“靴子落地” 后比特币创一个月来最差表现 下一步或跌至 3.8-4 万美元?里昂降阿里目标价至 125 美元 股息约 5 厘维持买入评级Hong Kong Stock Market News | GOGOX drops more than 4%, Alibaba reduces its holdings by 3.1 million shares, with a total market value of less than HKD 300 million.Today's MEITUAN, yesterday's BABA-SWR?港股异动 | BC 科技集团跌超 6% 公司完成发行 1.876 亿股认购股份 净筹约 7.1 亿港元高盛微降三大中资电讯股目标价 股息及估值吸引评级买入"Terrifying data" accompanied by the earnings reports of investment banking giants! Can the US stock market continue to play music and dance?美联储在 2023 年巨亏 1143 亿美元,创有史以来最高年度亏损每日数字货币动态汇总Taiwan Semiconductor will hold its Q4 2023 earnings conference on January 18th at 14:00.消息称苹果将关闭整个加州圣地亚哥 AI 团队,121 位员工将受影响Hong Kong Stock Market News | WELLCELL HOLD surges over 36% on its second day of listing, up over 260% from its IPO price. Significant growth in ICT integrated services.* 国泰君安料阿里-SW 受 CMR 和线下业务影响 上季业绩承压Hong Kong Stock Market Update | XPENG-W Falls Over 6%, Leading the Decline in Auto Stocks达沃斯论坛 2024 年年会今日启幕,WEF 陈黎明:中国经济长期向好基本面没变