日元跌破 140 了,全市场都在做空,小心日本央行 “偷袭”美国市场:当货基收益率高达 5%,为何还要买股票?除了英伟达阿里达摩院:GPT-4 替代年薪 60 万的数据分析师只要几千块,论文已发美股的 “表面风光”:买不到 AI,就白买了英伟达 AI 智能体接入 GPT-4,完胜 AutoGPT!自主写代码独霸我的世界,无需人类插手AI 芯片预期 “震撼”!华尔街高呼 “AI 大战,英伟达是唯一军火商”国家统计局:2023 年 1-4 月份全国规模以上工业企业利润下降 20.6%木头姐为错失英伟达大涨辩护:芯片周期带来风险,现在青睐 Meta微软与谷歌之战:语言模型会取代搜索引擎吗?纯电汽车首次登顶!特斯拉 Model Y 一季度成为全球最畅销车型空头投降?美银之后花旗也行动,上调美股展望、看好 AI 故事拼多多电话会:行业竞争激励快速迭代,从 “营销驱动” 转为 “研发驱动”,加码补贴比亚迪的 “常压油箱” 疑云AI concept stocks forming a bubble? Far from it! Retail investors have not yet fully entered the market.US inflation remains stubborn, with the probability of a Fed rate hike in June rising to 60%!US Stock Market Pre-Market | PDD Soars Nearly 15%! "Wood Sister" Cathy Wood Reduces Holding of NVIDIA, Economist Claims AI Bubble ExistsFinancial report is out | PDD rose more than 13% in pre-market trading! All indicators greatly exceeded market expectations.Tesla's FSD, Nvidia's AI, who is overdrawing the future?Big Moves | Can MEITUAN-W Rise Another 75%? CLOUD MUSIC and CLOUD MUSIC Receive Positive Outlook After EarningsUS Stock Options | Bulls Bet on NVIDIA to Rise to $400! TSMC Options Trading Surges SixfoldAI 炙手可热!OpenAI 风投基金被 “买爆”,第二支筹备中美股科技股大牛股一览:十年 105 倍,英伟达居首!NetEase Games, Hybrid Third Son除了英伟达,海外存储巨头也在暴涨NIO ES6 price reduction and increased configuration, can it reverse the sales decline?Xiao Mo: Optimistic about Meituan's takeaway business! Why are in-store revenue and operating profit mixed?Withdrawal of nearly 12 billion US dollars! Hedge funds saw the largest outflow of funds in April this yearOpenAI 首席执行官称没有离开欧洲的计划蔚来新车放低了身段全球芯片补贴战愈演愈烈:台积电考虑在德国建厂,政府或 “补贴高达 50% 投资金额”高盛和野村预计日本股市领跑全球的涨势还将持续香港银行普遍上调存款利率 3 个月定存息率最高达 4.14%Next Week Preview | US May Non-Farm Payroll Report, BILIBILI-W, Broadcom Earnings Report李彦宏:大模型即将改变世界 10 年后 50% 的工作会是提示词工程百度 “飞桨” 平台产品负责人毕然将离职,将加入土豆数据消息称爱立信贿赂案举报人获美 SEC 创纪录 2.79 亿美元奖金不满欧盟监管新规,OpenAI 要退出欧洲?京东集团副总裁何晓冬:大模型将从语言模型走向物理世界Nvidia short sellers suffer "violent beating": Loss of $2.3 billion overnight!耐克阿迪日渐式微,经销商滔博很 “受伤”“最后大限” 逼近!美国债务上限 “极限博弈”:有进展,没结果!谷歌 “AI 搜索” 掀开面纱“人型机器人” 的 “iPhone 时刻” 要来了!化干戈为玉帛?福特将采用特斯拉充电标准Breakfast | Nvidia skyrocketed, Chinese concept stocks fell for three consecutive days, OpenAI considers withdrawing from the European market