国家发改委:腾讯、美团等平台企业正加大技术创新投入力度 | 国家发展改革委会同相关部门,深入调研了解平台企业发展情况,梳理了一批典型投资案例。技术创新是企业突破发展瓶颈,提升竞争力的重要途径。为提升企业核心竞争力,平台企GPT-4 最强竞争模型 Claude2 发布!免费!具有更强的代码能力与更长的上下文!亿万富翁和企业高管上半年抛售 90 亿美元股票,散户仍在奋勇入场美团 App 首页上线直播固定入口,本地实体门店为直播主力供给JPMorgan Chase: Don't bet on June CPI continuing to soar, there is an 80% probability that the data will be lower than expected.Temasek Reports Worst 7-Year Return Rate, Says China Still Offers Investment Opportunities美联储 7 月加息 25 个基点的概率为 92.4%涉嫌非法采集用户数据训练 AI,谷歌面临隐私侵权诉讼散户抱团股火热,标普 500 指数或在不久后下跌Nuclear fission company Oklo is going public! Backed by Altman, co-founder of OpenAI.EIA Monthly Outlook: US oil production expected to increase slightly by the end of next year, bullish on future oil prices独家 - 消息人士称,TikTok 母公司字节跳动将允许美国员工套现股票"Express Delivery Tycoon" to Challenge HKEX纳指盘初转跌,道指涨百点,中概指数涨近 2% 后下挫,美元跌至两个月最低Key Week for US Investors: 9 Fed Officials Speak, Earnings Season and CPI Data患者用药后出现自杀倾向?诺和诺德两款 “减肥神药” 遭欧盟调查车企两极分化的上半年 | 见智研究霍华德·马克斯最新备忘录:赚钱的秘诀在于逆向思维,而不是盲从恒生科技收涨 1.47%,汽车产业链全线爆发,浙江世宝大涨 36%,蔚来涨近 12%大行速睇 | 小鹏汽车目标价获大幅上调!台积电被视为 “关键的 AI 推动者”中金:预计恒指未来仍维持宽幅震荡格局,波段操作至多可获利 20%花旗大幅下调美股评级:成长股四季度或回调,美国经济可能衰退!Model 2 is coming? Tesla reportedly completes the design of the new generation affordable electric vehicle.Chinese automakers "take over" the "turf" of Japanese automakersGPT-4 "The Ultimate Revelation": 18 trillion parameters, trained once for $63 million!又一机器人盛会下月举办,超 500 余展品将亮相,优必选、小米等有望亮相分析师:英伟达将占 AI 芯片市场至少 9 成份额下半年继续押注 AI 股?大摩:英伟达仍是 “最佳选择”!中信证券:库存周期的拐点临近了吗?US stocks peaked? Hedge funds reduce bullish positions to a ten-year low, while betting on European stocks reaches an all-time high.AI 引爆,HBM 崛起Has the era of autonomous driving arrived? Breaking free from high-precision maps, car companies are also competing for "computing power"!China's electric vehicles are rising in Europe, relying on production capacity rather than price wars.科技股涨完之后,无人接棒!巴克莱:美股下半年预计要跌!港股可能已经阶段性筑底!最佳配置窗口显现,关注几大关键时点!US Stock Focus: Controlling the influence of the "Seven Sisters" of technology, NASDAQ Composite Index will undergo "special adjustment" on July 21st.KKR 据悉正考虑对雷士中国多数股权的选项,包括将其出售* 瑞信上调理想汽车目标价至 48 美元 料次财季净利润创新高Another Capital Miracle from the Longbridge Dolphin of the Pharmaron Group | Insight Research* 大摩重申阿里为中国互联网企业首选 蚂蚁罚款结果为正面催化剂Three top officials of the Federal Reserve, known as the "hawkish trio," have stated that inflation is not yet under control and that interest rates need to be raised further this year.