On the first day of listing, the market value exceeded that of the three major American car manufacturers! The dreams of Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting have been realized by this Vietnamese man.Falling into a $29,000 predicament! Bitcoin price drops to the lowest volatility level in years.CK ASSET's Oceanfront Station I has released an additional 50 units, and it is not ruled out that all units will be fully pushed.July 70 City Housing Prices: Decline in Second-hand Housing Prices Widens, Rise in First and Second-tier New Housing Prices Falls, Chengdu Continues to LeadThe acquisition case of the American Steel Company has far-reaching implications and may shake the foundation of the American manufacturing industry.Robotaxi fully opened up for a day, and San Francisco experienced its first large-scale "network delay congestion".A Mixed Bag in the Agricultural Market: Corn Hits a New Low Since 2020, Argentina Restricts Beef Exports for 15 DaysOne day completes six months of work! OpenAI reveals GPT-4's new feature: content moderation.European natural gas prices surge again! Up 18% during trading, Australian LNG strike may begin.Vietnamese version of Tesla, VinFast, goes public in the US, with its stock price surging over 170% during trading hours.KUAISHOU-WR has made a breakthroughTesla recruiting local operations team to bring FSD to China, report saysBlackRock's "brother" in the same industry, funds are once again "losing" in wealth management!* China's urban survey unemployment rate in July was 5.3%, slightly higher than the market expectation of 5.2%."Tiger Global sells technology stocks against the market trend! Tiger Global reduces holdings of technology giants 'AAMG' in Q2, while establishing positions in Gilead Sciences and Novo Nordisk."Behind the sharp rise of NVIDIA: Morgan Stanley recommends buying the dip, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates compete for GPUs.Ferrari's largest shareholder has acquired a 15% stake in Philips, whose stock price has plummeted by 60% in the past two years.Berkshire Hathaway added real estate stocks to its portfolio in the second quarter, once again increased its holdings in Western Petroleum, and significantly reduced its holdings in Activision Blizzard and General Motors.The Federal Reserve: Short-term inflation expectations of US consumers hit a new low since 2021.US hedge funds dumped shares in Chinese companies in Q2JD-SWR denies JD.com couple's immigration to the United States.Lei Jun finally "crushed" Huawei.Preparing for winter? According to reports, Musk will not invest in building factories in the next year and a half.Hang Seng Index hit a bottom and rebounded, closing down 1.58%. Net buying from the southbound market amounted to HKD 8.844 billion, with COUNTRY GARDEN falling more than 18%.Food and energy prices are rising! Is global inflation making a comeback?Soros increased holdings in Alphabet-C and Amazon, established positions in General Motors, Alibaba, and others.Positive Signal! LONGFOR GROUP Takes ActionTechnology stocks remain the "darling" of BlackRock: Q2 sees a significant increase in holdings of Tesla and Apple, maintaining their position as the top two heavyweights in the portfolio.UBS Q2 Increases Holdings in Amazon, NVIDIA, etc., Continues to Reduce Holdings in Microsoft and Apple for Two Consecutive QuartersWill OpenAI go bankrupt by burning $700,000 a day in 2024?Tesla delivers on its promises, lowering prices when sales are slow | Insights from Dolphin ResearchAlphabet-C1180's whereabouts of the $118 billion cash reserve, despite having a huge amount of funds, remains uncertain regarding the buyback.Energy sounds the alarm again, traders worry about the European Central Bank "hawkish stance"Earnings Report 2023 | LI NING's Misjudgment and AdjustmentMEDIA-Blackstone eyes more Japan property after selling $4.5 billion - Bloomberg NewsTop Chinese Game Developers' Overseas Revenue Ranking in July: miHoYo and TENCENT Still Secure the Top Two SpotsEarnings season is coming to an end, and the performance of the US stock market is lukewarm. With high valuations, it may be difficult to be optimistic about the future.With two "potential drug kings" in hand, Eli Lilly aims to become the first trillion-dollar pharmaceutical company!Goldman Sachs: The Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates this year and will cut rates in the second quarter of next year.The Danger Signals of US Tech Stocks: Some AI leaders, including NVIDIA, have already adjusted by 10%.The "Danger Signals" Behind the Increased Volatility in the US Stock MarketFaraday Future Completed All Relevant Processes Ahead of the First FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance Delivery CeremonyAfter a year! Energy stocks in the United States rise again.COUNTRY GARDEN is about to hold a creditors' meeting.Goldman: There Has Been A Material Shift In Market Dynamics And SentimentApple’s Upcoming A17 Bionic Bulldozes The A16 Bionic In New Benchmark Leak; Up To 31 Percent Faster In Single-Core, Multi-Core ResultsChina's Country Garden: to suspend trading of its 11 onshore bonds from MondayThe wind direction has changed again? Inflation concerns are gaining the upper hand, and US stocks have fallen for two consecutive weeks!NVIDIA, with a staggering 180% surge in value this year and a price-to-earnings ratio exceeding 210, is it too expensive?【In-depth Interview】Chen Tianqi: A Card Runs Large Models, iPhone Runs 70B, Overcoming NVIDIA's GPU Computing Power Dilemma