恒生科技午后反转收涨 0.78%,汽车领涨,小鹏汽车涨 4.4%,京东跌 1.42%Alphabet-C's GPT Killer: "The Most Powerful Model" Gemini Shows Its Potential, Expected to be Released in Autumn台媒:高通被曝启动台湾地区裁员,10 月或将裁 200 人商务部:欢迎美商务部长雷蒙多访华,双方正就访问安排保持密切沟通Be careful! Is the US stock market really going to crash? "Stock God" and "Big Short" are both preparing.美国前财长萨默斯:“全球资产定价之锚” 10 年期美债收益率料攀升至 4.75%收购玛莎拉蒂?小鹏汽车回应:谣言董事长 “秒回”:对方要讹诈!癌症早筛龙头被指 “九成收入作假”,谁在做空?BofA further raises Nio price target, expects deliveries of 20,000-21,000 per month in Aug and SepOpenAI 官宣第一笔收购!开源「我的世界」8 人顶级团队加盟,押注 AI 智能体下半年,有色金属能否止跌反弹?MEDIA-Morgan Stanley sees China missing its growth target this year - Bloomberg News如何看待美股科技股近期的疲软表现新加坡股市 16 日报:金龙鱼母公司丰益国际再度遭遇抛售用 ChatGPT 分析法律合同!全球法律技术领导者 Litera 与微软合作Earnings Report 2023|Did 361 Degrees Fall Victim to Misjudgment?刘强东用低价赢回一局?"The 'Anchor of Global Asset Pricing' puts pressure on the whole market! The ten-year US Treasury yield reaches its highest level since 2008."港股科技股多数下挫 京东集团跌超 4%茶百道赴港上市:一年 8 亿杯,赚钱不靠卖奶茶Evergrande Auto falls more than 6%, Evergrande Real Estate is under investigation by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Previous announcements sparked rumors of "Xu Jiayin's divorce."Singapore Exchange Says Derivatives Traded Volume Was Steady Year-On-Year In July腾讯游戏有了「中年危机」Who caused the major drop in the US stock market in August? Goldman Sachs: "Zero-day options", UBS: I agree!张勇:我的第 36 次财报会,也是作为阿里董事长兼 CEO 的最后一次AI market is on fire? NVIDIA may sell 550,000 H100 GPUs this year.TENCENT Q2 Conference Call: E-commerce Empowers Douyin's Advertising Revenue, Exclusive Infrastructure Large-scale Model May Upgrade in the Second Half of This YearAfter China announced export controls, the price of gallium has risen by over 50% since early July.JD-SWR conference call: The hundred billion subsidy has a significant boost effect on low-frequency users. The most important KPIs for the second half of the year are GMV, profit, and cash flow.国务院总理李强:要着力扩大国内需求,继续拓展扩消费、促投资政策空间,提振大宗消费京东集团第二季度净营收 2,879.3 亿元人民币,同比增加 7.6%,预估 2,791.4 亿元人民币SINO-OCEAN SERV has been given a chance to "resurrect".European Champions League: Whether the future adjustment of stock stamp duty depends on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government腾讯第二季度净利润 262 亿元人民币,预估 323.4 亿元人民币,去年同期为 186.19 亿元。腾讯二季度营收、净利润均低于市场预期中国首富的最强对手?怡宝筹划港股上市腾讯音乐:成长的烦恼