牛市的背后,日本发生了什么?——对话野村东方国际侯苏寒Llama2 开源后,国产大模型在卷什么?GPU and AI data centers can't keep up, and even the "beloved child of NVIDIA" can't "run properly."用 ChatGPT 分析法律文件!汤森路透以 6.5 亿美元正式收购 CasetextBreaking Wall Street Doubts! "AI+ Network Security" Becomes a Revenue Generator, Boosting Palo Alto's Performance Beyond ExpectationsInterest rate storm pressures global stock markets, just experienced the worst week since March.申万宏源王胜:结构性行情会长期存在,低估值高分红企业是 “资产荒” 解药没想到,腾讯靠 AI 闷声发财了英伟达:人工智能霸主之战还远未结束The smartphone market slump has dragged down this year's largest IPO, with Arm's annual revenue declining by 1%.Gross margin turns negative across the board, Q2 of XPENG-W faces some challenges | Insight Research"The 'Anchor of Global Asset Pricing' flexes its muscles as both US stocks and bonds suffer this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average experiences its worst weekly decline since March, while the S&P 500 continues its downward trend for the eighth consecutive month."VinFast went public less than a week ago, and its stock price has been on a roller coaster ride, causing Vietnam's richest person to lose $23 billion.Open Source Beats Paid Ecosystem? Meta Platforms to Launch "Free Version of Programming Tools," Targeting OpenAIXPENG-W Phone Conference: Significant Increase in September G6 Deliveries, Gross Margin Turns Positive in Q4全球顶级机构出手了:清仓亚马逊,押注中概股小鹏汽车:有信心在 2024 年年底实现整体成本降低 25% 的目标 何小鹏:四季度将冲击 2 万台月交付US mortgage rates soar to 7%, reaching a 20-year high! Analysis: 8% is not a dream.曾生:净资产收益率与杜邦分析 1Vipshop's second-quarter revenue increased by 13.6%, performance guidance fell nearly 6% below expectations | Earnings ReportXPENG-W released its second-quarter performance report, with a net loss of 2.8 billion yuan, a 20% increase compared to the previous quarter, and a 3.8% increase compared to the same period last year.Tencent's E-commerce Dream Sees HopeEVERGRANDE clarifies: The overseas debt restructuring is being carried out according to plan and does not involve bankruptcy applications.Vietnam stocks fall to one-month low as VinFast parent retreats证监会:支持香港市场发展,统筹提升 A 股、港股活跃度不到 24 小时!2.2 万亿美元期权即将到期 美股 “波动性爆炸” 一触即发?H100 Profit Margin 1000%! Is NVIDIA Comparable to a "Money Printing Machine"?港股缩量下行,恒指跌穿 18000 点,恒科指跌逾 3%,碧桂园成唯一上涨内房股Buffett's "blessing" propels US real estate stocks to rise against the trend, undeterred by high interest rates.AI skepticism spreads! Bing fails to defeat Alphabet-C, the success or failure of Office AI version attracts attention诺辉健康与做空方对垒纪实:谁在说谎?SoftBank's subsidiary, Arm, has hired 28 underwriters for its IPO.腾讯正在成为 “微信公司”Revenue surge drives Tesla's subsidiary SpaceX to achieve profitability in the first quarter of this year.比特币短线跌破 2.6 万美元 24 小时爆仓超 10 亿美元In the past 15 years, the "dividend" has come to an end, and overseas markets are returning to the "high-yield era". Are technology stocks leading the way?Last year's revenue doubled, with first-quarter revenue of $1.5 billion and a profit of $55 million! Rare exposure of SpaceX's financial data.The United States is enthusiastic about weight loss drugs, reshaping the Danish economy.央行首提银行合理利润超过 7%!香港存款又火了!7.09%! US mortgage rates rise to a 20-year high, real estate market cools significantly央行传达 “三稳” 信号:稳地产、稳商业银行利润和稳汇率