美股软件股又行了?最悲观的时候大概率已经过去!路透:拜登考虑加大对华 AI 芯片限制After-hours plunge of 30%! Cassava's Alzheimer's drug research paper suspected of fraud and under investigation.US electric vehicle sales reach a new record high, Tesla's market share is being eroded.Crushed by fellow Henan compatriots? The second largest diamond cultivator in the United States files for bankruptcy.消息称苹果选择明年推出搭载 M3 芯片的 MacBook Air/Pro中信证券:预计 11 月美联储再次加息的概率较低OpenAI's annual revenue is $1.3 billion, with a 30% increase compared to the summer.CPI strengthens expectations for tightening, long-term bond sales are dismal, US bonds and stocks plummet, and US oil is close to erasing gains since the escalation of the Israel-Palestine conflict.The US automotive strike has reached a deadlock! The unexpected new round of strikes by the union has led Ford to claim that they have reached their limit.The culprit behind the sharp drop in US stocks and US Treasury bonds on Thursday: Rarely bleak demand for 30-year Treasury bonds!How does Wall Street view the US CPI? It is difficult to claim victory over inflation, and there may still be future interest rate hikes.Bank stocks are up! China Investment Corporation increases its holdings with a significant investment, showing remarkable results.Xiaopeng Motors: Joint development of vehicle models with Volkswagen Group is acceleratingCan the Federal Reserve pause rate hikes in November? Focus on tonight's heavyweight CPI data.商务部:四季度将多措并举推动消费持续恢复扩大Hong Kong Stock Market News | China Evergrande falls more than 10%, bondholders' special group demands Evergrande to fully and promptly disclose regulatory attitude.According to reports, Baidu is set to release the world's first AI-native map.财报前瞻 | 特斯拉毛利率还要继续跌?Dojo+D1, is Tesla planning to enter the AI cloud service market in the future?The luxury trend has come to an end.Can AMD really break Nvidia's monopoly? AMD has risen more than 10% in the past two weeks, but...OpenAI 被曝 “在憋大招”:构建 ChatGPT 应用成本暴降 95%两大危险信号同时出现!美股可能暴跌 50%Is it really sustainable for AI startups to invest 80% of their funds in computing power?高盛:维持腾讯 “买入” 评级 目标价下调至 423 港元Tesla's 4680 battery achieves a major milestone: production exceeds 20 million units.港股银行股多数高开 工商银行涨超 4%Ping An Securities: Increased holdings by China Investment Corporation boost market sentiment, continue to see value in banking sector allocation.华特迪士尼将提高美国主题公园门票价格美国汽车工人罢工升级,UAW 关闭福特最赚钱的肯塔基州卡车工厂Netflix 证实动画部门将重组,或导致裁员和两部筹备中电影停拍金价过山车,多只上海金 ETF 沦为迷你基:配置新起点已至?Goldman Sachs agrees to sell GreenSky, warning that the transaction will result in a 19 cent decrease in earnings per share for Q3.The aggressive interest rate hike by the central bank is futile. Russia has decided to reintroduce capital controls to support the ruble.Good news on the development of liver cancer treatment has caused the biotech stock Tempest to skyrocket 40 times in a single day.郭明錤:AMD 2024-25 年 AI 芯片出货预期将快速成长汽车迭代速度超过 iPhone,你敢买么?芯片自研加速,又一巨头下月将发布首款 AI 芯片商社之后是银行?市场热议谁是巴菲特下一个 “日本目标”Morgan Stanley expects the US stock market to reach new highs by mid-2024 and is optimistic about the industrial sector.张忆东:港股反弹一触即发,四季度迎来吃饭行情