药明康德继续低开 公司坚信不会对任何国家的安全构成风险iPhone 面向欧洲市场开放应用商店、NFC:国行无缘亚市早盘:亚股走高 中东局势导致油价上涨公司解读 | 小米手机出货量为什么跌得这么厉害?Tesla's weak prospects disappoint the public, analysts argue: it's mostly the "Osborne effect" at play.民生策略:平准力量正在以相对无偏的方式为市场缓解流动性压力Tesla's drop of over 20% at the beginning of the year is not enough? JPMorgan Chase warns of another 30% drop, while Wedbush cuts its target but still predicts a significant increase.Breakfast | Perhaps the most intense "stock market risk week" is coming, mainland QDII funds increase their holdings of Hong Kong stocks.美股依旧是 “少数人的牛市”Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Oral Semaglutide Approved for Listing in China, Weight Loss Indication on the Way, Domestic Companies Also Have Layout (with Concept Stocks)药明生物澄清:法案草案中对公司首席执行官及执行董事陈智胜有关经历的描述具有误导性Core assets boost European stocks: Strong earnings reports from LV and SAP AG-Sponsored, French and German stock indices take turns hitting new highs this week.Chip giants drag down the S&P and Nasdaq, Intel warns of earnings, plunging over 10%, NVIDIA and AMD hit historical lows, crude oil surges over 6% in a week.AI SK plans to more than double its HBM production capacitySustainable Column | "Dual Carbon" Three-Year Anniversary, What Do 1889 Investors Say?LVMH's impressive financial report: Is the downturn in the luxury goods industry over?最便宜纯电保时捷来了!网友:不是买不起,小米更有性价比New Secretary of the Board of Directors Appointed at Bank of China: "Everything is Clear"Valued at $20 billion! Musk's AI startup reportedly seeks $6 billion in funding.Temu 将启 “半托管” 模式,要帮亚马逊商家清库存Profile | He made 1 billion in just 3 months using optionsHot discussion on WSB | AMC ENT cumulative plummeted 99%, ranked 25th on the popularity listIf the central banks in Europe and the United States do not cut interest rates this year?美国 GDP 超预期,意味着软着陆?未必,还有个大隐患国家金融监督管理总局:对符合授信条件的项目积极满足合理融资需求 加强资金封闭管理,严防信贷资金被挪用巩固固收投资能力, 这家券商资管提拔一名总助Pre-market US Stocks | Intel plunges 12%, leading the decline in chip stocks! Chinese concept stocks fall, Tesla rises!Rating Quick Look | PDD, Netflix, Microsoft, AMD Target Prices Raised! Tesla, Tencent Face "Price Cuts"香港证监会:提防两项可疑投资产品US stock index futures all fell, while European stocks rose across the board, with LVMH surging 8%.元宇宙不去也罢?!小扎的新事业,是养吃坚果喝啤酒的神户牛US Stock Options | Tesla's trading volume doubles to 4.68 million contracts! NVIDIA falls, BABA-SWR cut in half现货 ETF 已经主导市场?灰度比特币信托资金流出放缓 比特币站稳 4 万美元GPT-4 不偷懒了!OpenAI 连甩五个大模型,价格最低打两折Silicon Valley has already laid off 20,000 people at the beginning of the year. Are tech giants "laying off" to subsidize "AI"?大摩調低恒指今年底目標至 16000 點特斯拉 Cybertruck 中国巡展将于 1 月 28 日开启华大智造:对业内流传美提案影响正在核实、评估药明生物 CEO 陈智胜回应:美相关提案通过是极小概率事情