疯狂吸金!受比特币大涨带飞,贝莱德现货 ETF 交易量持续突破 13 亿美元香港楼市政策全面撤辣Marvell Technology: Comprehensive layout of Ethernet communication chips, benefiting from the AI Ethernet networking trend.李想谈苹果放弃造车:选择聚焦人工智能是绝对正确的战略选择,时间点也合适MWC 2024 Conference: AI is everywhere, from networks to terminals.HBM,生死局?* 大摩:「永劫无间」手游版号获批 料为网易今年第二大热门产品蚂蚁集团推出多模态遥感模型 SkySense吐槽完 Sora,Google 自己做的 “基础世界模型” 来了Goldman Sachs CEO warns: The market is too optimistic about a "soft landing" in the United States.Beauty products outperform AI? This company's five-year growth far surpasses NVIDIA.Viking 大涨 121%:GLP-1R/GIPR 肥胖二期临床,三个月减重 14.6 公斤New Street Research has downgraded Arm's rating to "Neutral" as its valuation is deemed to be too high.NASDAQ narrowly avoided a third consecutive decline, with NVIDIA falling more than 2% at one point, LI AUTO surged by double digits for two consecutive days after its earnings report, and Bitcoin hit a new high again.距离历史最高仅差 17%!比特币价格一度涨超 5.7 万美元BUZZ-Highly shorted Beyond Meat's shares double after qtrly reportUS Wrap-Up|Top 5 CDRs Gainers/Losers (>3B)A decade of car-making defeated by the AI wave? Apple reportedly cancels electric car project, team shifts focus to generative AI.日股再创新高,美股指连跌,中概继续跑赢大盘,理想汽车盘初涨超 10%Canaan's Q4 revenue exceeded expectations, with net losses narrowing.Polarization becoming more severe? Morgan Stanley: There is no small-cap stock market in the U.S., and large-cap stocks will continue to support the market.US Stock Market Outlook: Futures of the three major stock indexes are all up. JPMorgan Chase predicts a 50% chance of a soft landing for the US economy.After attracting over $1 billion in funding with a blockbuster product, is the "Loss King" BeiGene now looking to tighten its belt?Zhitong Hong Kong Stock Analysis: Chinese companies' overseas expansion boosts confidence, technology wave takes the lead.美联储何时停止缩表?Li Auto (LI) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript重振半导体荣光!拉来苹果、特斯拉大佬助阵,日本芯片投入再加码Ideal Q4 conference call: 2024 will be an unprecedented year for product launches, with no models priced below 200,000 yuan in the next five-year plan.Stock Traders Purchase Large Volume of SoundHound AI Call OptionsAI 革命不止,瑞银:英伟达将带动北美经济增长“七姐妹” 太贵?资金叛逃至货基The Inescapable Economic Cycle: Buying in a recession yields the highest returns.After the collapse of the "Super High-Speed Rail," Tesla's "Underground Tunnel" is also in jeopardy.投资者对小微盘仍有分歧?After hitting new highs, BlackRock and Morgan Stanley continue to be bullish on the Japanese stock market!巴菲特也 “出手” 了?比特币开启狂欢模式,日内最大涨幅超 10%WSB 热议|英伟达持仓股狂飙!SOUN 隔夜升 46%Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (02.27) | Hang Seng Index rose by 0.94%, with a strong performance in the automotive industry chain. LI AUTO surged by 25% after its earnings report.The cycle of the tech industry in the United States: NVIDIA's cash flow equals the capital expenditures of other tech giants.Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week Highs and Lows Statistics | February 27thDeepMind CEO 最新《纽约时报》专访:AGI 将使能源变得廉价甚至免费,货币性质也将发生转变The female stock guru Pelosi has set her sights on this stock again, surging by 7%.Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | Refreshing a two-year high! Bitcoin soaring above $57,000 triggers a frenzy in the cryptocurrency market (with concept stocks attached).Quick Overview: How do brokerage analysts evaluate LI AUTO?