After-hours trading: NVIDIA hits a new high again, SMCI surges by 15%.过去一年半 “每天买 100 个”,“比特币鲸鱼” 买了超过 30 亿美元、超 5 万个比特币马斯克最新采访全文实录来了!我们距离 AGI 还有多远?理解市场|为什么药明系领涨医药外包板块?微牛证券 Webull 借壳冲刺美股 IPO,估值 79 亿美元亚太股市高开,芯片股大涨,SK 海力士涨逾 7%,台积电创历史新高,日经首次突破 40000 点Weekly Tech Stock Recap: Meituan soared over 8%, and Tesla finally saw an increase too!外媒:苹果造车太想颠覆行业,野心太大注定失败比特币一度短暂突破 64,000 美元 ETF 需求吸引交易员Post-earnings boost pushes stock price close to the $500 mark, will Meta Platforms' upward trend peak soon?理解市场 | 小鹏汽车为何也在大跌?CSC: The new energy industry experienced a slow season in January and February, and is gradually recovering with the seasonal demand picking up.恒生科技指数有望迎来技术性牛市!* 大摩:美团-W 股价上涨 或与据报更积极减少美团优选亏损有关On the track of Hyper | How is the experience of Apple Vision Pro? Samsung Electronics introduces XR.The three major frontier areas: AI, longevity, decarbonization.5.3 万/平的理想 MEGA,“收割” 中产多孩家庭?日经 225 指数首次突破 40000 点关口!Credit ratings have been downgraded one after another! What's even more alarming is that the "thunder" at New York Community Bank may not have stopped yet.The situation is getting tricky! The market value of the new forces in the US electric vehicle sector, Rivian Automotive, Lucid, and Fisker, has plummeted. Will they be acquired or face a final destination?世茂集团暴涨 28%,获调入港股通标的名单Hong Kong Stock Market Update: LI AUTO fell more than 11% as February deliveries dropped by 35% month-on-month, with the industry price war continuing to heat up.京东称 3 月底普及满 59 包邮苹果正在研发 Vision 标准版:初定 2025 年秋季发布Hong Kong Stock Market Update: Multiple stocks have been included in the Hong Kong Stock Connect list. CIFI HOLD GP opened nearly 15% higher, while EVERG SERVICES opened more than 13% higher.保卫 2500 点:韩国股市十年不涨之谜陈茂波:香港不再需要 “辣招”!预算案 “兼顾长短”阿里 “太子” 的两次撤退这是本周决定美股走势的两件大事!利率最高冲到 10%!这类存款近期爆 “火”农夫山泉回应,热搜爆了!钟睒睒:网上出现大量对我个人及农夫山泉的诋毁,这绝非宗老所乐见阻击马化腾,丁磊 “大出血”针对 Shein 和 Temu?挤压中国电商,美政客嚷嚷对小额包裹下手量化大厂开始 “布局” 东南亚Breakfast | This week's focus on the testimony of Federal Reserve Chairman Powell, NVIDIA may once again enter the handheld gaming console market.比特币一个月飙升 45% 价格剧烈波动风险陡增造车新势力 2 月份交付环比普降 以价换量 “价格战” 持续升温理想汽车发布 2024 各车型全国统一零售价 本月开启交付理想 MEGA,能卖得过宝马 X5 吗?全面 “撤辣” 后首个周末,香港楼市爆了!北向单月流入已超去年全年,大举加码科技行业,抄底次新Vietnam outperformed Japanese stocks and the S&P Biotech Index in chip stocks. | Overseas Major Asset Weekly ReportDell Technologies is rumored to release the NVIDIA B200 next year, with a power consumption of up to 1000W. The ultimate benefit for AI is: energy?追赶 Mag 7,这是欧洲巨头的机会