MEDIA-中国爱奇艺再次考虑在香港第二上市的计划 -- 彭博新闻Meta 开始实施最后一轮裁员 约 6000 人受影响AI 热潮意外给力!英伟达 Q1 收入优于预期,指引较预期高 53%,盘后涨近 30% 创新高债务谈判恐慌令道指连跌四日,中概指数半年最低,超短期美债收益率涨穿 7%美联储会议纪要:6 月暂停加息存分歧,银行业影响很不确定,行动取决于数据小摩之后新的白衣骑士来了?苏世民:黑石正在洽购美国区域性银行资产耶伦:重申最早 6 月 1 日无钱可用,没为违约事件做准备下月亮相 iOS 17 新技能曝光:锁屏 iPhone 变身智能显示器AI 14 问:大模型的终局是什么?如何做好职业选择?“奢侈茅” 崩了让分析师开始冷静:欧股创纪录利润预期” 不可持续”小米电话会:高端化成果显现 AI 发展需要与业务深度结合达利欧:5 年后,世界会完全不同Nvidia's financial report is coming soon: Will artificial intelligence dominate everything?Following in Apple's footsteps, is Tesla building a new factory in India?卖一辆亏一辆,Q1 小鹏毛利率 3 年来再转负Is buying Alibaba a "mistake"? A 40 billion hedge fund increased its holdings in Microsoft and Texas Instruments in the first quarter!小米 Q1 净利润远超预期 毛利率创历史新高 入局 AI 大模型竞赛 | 财报见闻Pre-market US stocks | Debt ceiling negotiations continue tonight, Zhu Xiaotong increases holdings of Tesla stocks, Cainiao denies large-scale layoffs.Financial report is out | XPENG-W drops more than 5% in pre-market trading! Q1 revenue almost halved, Q2 guidance significantly below expectations.海通证券澄清:昆明城投有关会议纪要非海通发布 外部参会人员言论仅代表其个人恒指收跌 1.62%,白酒尾盘拉涨,光伏涨幅居前,联想集团跌超 7%Financial Report is Out | XIAOMI-W's Q1 Profit Improves, Gross Margin Reaches Record HighBing、Office 后终于轮到 Windows,微软 “颠覆一切” 野心已经 “昭然若揭”Big move to watch | Nvidia's target price for performance has been significantly raised! TENCENT still has 40% upside potential?欧盟法院驳回 Meta 对欧盟反垄断监管机构的质疑富途季报图解:营收 25 亿港元过半来自利息收入 境内 APP 已下架Alibaba goes to the middle platform, will other big companies follow?海外三大风口:欧洲 “奢侈茅” 隔夜崩了!美国 “科技茅” 和 “日特估” 还能挺多久?恒指公司:中特估与降存息带动高息内银股跑出 港股较 A 股更吸引Four months fell more than 40%! Will PDD have a surprise in the first quarter performance?创纪录新高!全球大型上市公司一季度股息超 3000 亿美元,同比增长 12%传万达拟出售 20 家商场以回笼资金?回应来了:不予置评报道:韩请求美方重新审视芯片 “护栏” 规定,放宽在华扩大产能限制Small Mo: XPENG-W and NIO-SW have the opportunity to "reverse the adversity"! BYD may still have expected differences.At the beginning of the month, Tesla suddenly raised its prices. Could it be that they will lower them again this summer?!疯狂的幻方:一家隐形 AI 巨头的大模型之路Target price of $187! Apple MR is expected to debut this year with high growth in service revenue.美银:对大型科技公司推动股市上涨的担忧被夸大了高盛看多美元:还有上涨空间B 站前游戏业务负责人张峰已离职US Stock Options | Amazon Forward Call Trading Surges, Zoom and Pfizer Options Trading QuadruplesHSBC, Citi, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley and RBC traders broke competition law, watchdog finds微信视频号直播推游戏功能正式上线菜鸟内部人士:网传图片裁员为假消息