苹果尝试用 3D 打印机生产智能手表 Watch 的钢质底盘Baidu Wenxin is fully open to the whole society.转型期的 “阵痛” 长城汽车上半年净利同比大跌 75.69% 二季度环比大涨超 500%|财报见闻净利增长超 21%,广发基金公募业务 “大象起舞”Buffett's 93rd Birthday: 93 Nuggets of Investment WisdomFor US stocks, hedge funds choose to continue "taking risks"!US ADP in August falls below expectations, wage growth hits a nearly two-year low.Target price of $730! Analyst: Nvidia is not expensive.Pre-market US stocks | Ideals fall more than 4%, limited-time insurance subsidy of 10,000 yuan; OpenAI expected to generate revenue of over 1 billion US dollars in the next yearAnalysis Report | NIO, BYD Target Prices Both Lowered! SenseTime Suffers Even More, Directly Slashed!US stock dividends have slowed for six consecutive quarters. What level are Microsoft and Apple at?证监会王建军:依法依规推动符合条件的平台企业在境内外上市Tesla's second surge in just ten days, up over 7%, all because of the booming sales in China?财政部:打好宏观政策、扩大内需、改革创新、防范化解风险组合拳碧桂园服务发表 “独立宣言”科网巨头港股下挫 快手跌近 6%央行:已经形成金融支持民营经济发展的文件初稿Inflation remains high, will the price of Apple iPhone 15 increase?央行召开金融支持民营企业发展工作推进会,多家银行、民企参会Tesla Cybertruck may enter full-scale production phase.How to understand the rebound in Hong Kong stocks this week? It may not necessarily be the bottom, the big market trend has not yet arrived!Senior Industry Executive: This wave of AI is just beginning, it's far from reaching its peak.高德地图上线 Apple 产品购买服务US Stock Options | Pinduoduo Options Trading Surges Nearly Fivefold, NIO and Coinbase Options Amplify by About 3 TimesMate 60 与 iPhone 15 同台竞技,华为与苹果,9 月一战!锂王也避不开寒冬NVIDIA's stock price hits a new high! But the market is starting to worry: Has the stock price peaked?The most direct beneficiary of accelerated generative AI: What are the advantages of NVIDIA? 加速生成式 AI 的最直接受益者:英伟达优势究竟在哪?What are the rising stocks in the Hong Kong property market? The market is most concerned about the downward adjustment of mortgage rates for existing homes, what does it mean?谷歌新一代 AI 芯片发布,Jeff Dean:AI 硬件性能提升更难了消息称台积电将急单的 CoWoS 报价提高 20%China's largest ETF is expected to see record-breaking monthly capital inflows.“木头姐” 最新访谈:别只盯着英伟达,每只股票都可能成为 AI 股谷歌推出面向企业客户的 AI 工具,月费 30 美元对打微软同类产品这些大 “杀器” 一现身,谷歌的野心再藏不住了Crazy Cash Out! Report: Open AI's Revenue to Reach $1 Billion in the Next Year拼多多漂亮的二季报,京东送来 “神助攻”?NIO's Q2: Darkness Before the Dawn | Analysis by JZ ResearchBreakfast | US stocks rise for three consecutive days, Chinese concept stocks celebrate the night, Tesla's autonomous driving faces regulatory issuesOpenAI on pace for over $1 bln revenue as big companies boost AI spending - The InformationRegulatory tightening! The United States will strengthen the long-term debt standards for regional banks, aligning with global major banks through a "living will" approach.纳指 100 涨超 2%,中概指数涨近 4%,美债收益率全线跳水超 10 个基点iPhone 15 to be unveiled in two weeks! Apple officially announces September 12th as the date for the launch event.Xiaomi Phone Conference: Significant Progress Made in the Past Few Years, Latest Release of 5G Chip by Competitors Will Not Have a Major ImpactNIO Conference Call: Aims to Achieve Monthly Sales of 30,000 Units, NIO Phones to be Delivered in September