加密货币市场普涨 比特币市值重返 1 万亿美元US Stock Market Update | Bitcoin-related stocks surge as Coinbase rises over 12%标普高开 0.5%,部分地抹除美国 CPI 发布日的跌幅AI determines the outcome? Microsoft's Azure cloud is "quickly catching up" to Amazon's AWS in terms of scale.美股 “七姐妹” 够牛吗?认识下更猛的欧股 “八巨头”After surpassing Amazon, NVIDIA's market value is just a step away from Alphabet-C. Huang Renxun promotes "National AI".Elon Musk Invited Chinese Suppliers To Mexico To Replicate Local Supply Chain At Tesla's Shanghai Plant - Bloomberg News加密总市值重回 2 万亿美元上方Zhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week High and Low Statistics | February 14th美国 1 月通胀数据超预期扰乱多数市场 但比特币除外美股暴跌,光伏首当其冲!TCL 中环还有一个 21 亿的雷?AI applications that are less popular than expected?老牌 PE 巨头们,今年准备大干一场After-hours trading of Robinhood surged more than 10% as its Q4 revenue and profit exceeded expectations.响应 “地产白名单”,四大行陆续晒进度表Less than two weeks after its official release, there has been a surge in searches for "Return Apple Vision Pro"!比特币涨势在美 CPI 报告后停滞Before a bank in the United States collapsed, its CEO was involved in a "Ponzi scheme" and embezzled $47.1 million by withdrawing $21 million from FHLB.HBM industry chain, exploded!Arm,能救软银?硅谷再掀加密货币投资热潮?传 Founders Fund 豪投 2 亿美元押注比特币和以太坊Tripled in three days! Arm is being speculated as the "second Nvidia"?外资出手!紧盯这天,或有异动今年电商巨头还要拼低价Chip stocks pause before CPI, SPDR S&P 500 bids farewell to record highs, NVIDIA still hits new highs, Chinese concept stocks start the Year of the Dragon with a bangA $26 billion mega acquisition is coming! The world's third-largest oil and gas giant is about to emerge.NVIDIA's market value surpasses Amazon, the first time in the past 20 years.Arm's stock price surged again, with a single-day increase of 42%! Analysts: AI frenzy driving the growthETF 复兴推动比特币站上 5 万美元美国三大股指微幅低开,标普暂时守住 5000 点,中概指数涨 1%美股盘前消息速递ETF Giant: US Oil Stocks and Chip Stocks are "Equally Good", but No One CaresETF 上市吸引资金涌入 比特币有望迎一年来最长连涨记录Statistics on Chinese Automakers' Electric Vehicles Going Global出海四小龙紧逼亚马逊,2024 谁主沉浮?AI“卖铲者”:HBM,新混战!小米在印度发声:鉴于印政府对中企严格审查,零部件供应商对在印建立业务持忧虑态度英伟达进军芯片定制业务 挑战博通!Soaring NVIDIA or stagnant Intel? Goldman Sachs has a clear stanceWho doesn't want to be the next Jia Ling? In high demand, the "weight loss duo" expands production smoothly.Sam Altman 的芯片野心,非常疯狂In January, Tesla's sales in South Korea: 1 unit.