GPT-4 "The Ultimate Revelation": 18 trillion parameters, trained once for $63 million!又一机器人盛会下月举办,超 500 余展品将亮相,优必选、小米等有望亮相分析师:英伟达将占 AI 芯片市场至少 9 成份额下半年继续押注 AI 股?大摩:英伟达仍是 “最佳选择”!中信证券:库存周期的拐点临近了吗?US stocks peaked? Hedge funds reduce bullish positions to a ten-year low, while betting on European stocks reaches an all-time high.AI 引爆,HBM 崛起Has the era of autonomous driving arrived? Breaking free from high-precision maps, car companies are also competing for "computing power"!China's electric vehicles are rising in Europe, relying on production capacity rather than price wars.科技股涨完之后,无人接棒!巴克莱:美股下半年预计要跌!港股可能已经阶段性筑底!最佳配置窗口显现,关注几大关键时点!US Stock Focus: Controlling the influence of the "Seven Sisters" of technology, NASDAQ Composite Index will undergo "special adjustment" on July 21st.KKR 据悉正考虑对雷士中国多数股权的选项,包括将其出售* 瑞信上调理想汽车目标价至 48 美元 料次财季净利润创新高Another Capital Miracle from the Longbridge Dolphin of the Pharmaron Group | Insight Research* 大摩重申阿里为中国互联网企业首选 蚂蚁罚款结果为正面催化剂Three top officials of the Federal Reserve, known as the "hawkish trio," have stated that inflation is not yet under control and that interest rates need to be raised further this year.中信建投:自动驾驶商用有望加速微软测试 iPad 新版 OneNote,支持嵌入上标和下标大空头查诺斯:特斯拉自动驾驶技术在二手车市场可能一文不值金融蓝筹股和科技股成主力军,回购潮提振信心,机构看多港股后市KEEP's expected listing date is July 12th, with an offering price of HKD 28.92 per share.阿里巴巴减持 10 亿港元股商汤股票Twitter's formidable rival, Threads, surpasses 100 million registrations, outpacing OpenAI, while Twitter's traffic declines.US stocks halted their three-day decline, with Chinese concept stocks rising more than 1% to lead the way, while the US dollar and US bond yields both fell.英伟达 A800 芯片售价超十万元!有经销商惜售,涨幅最高三成产能周期与 PPI 下行的 “长尾”Earnings season hits US stocks: "Tough times"? This week, the entire market closely watches banking stocks.秦淮数据美股盘前涨超 5%,报道称招商银行对其发出收购提议China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM): In the first half of the year, there was a rare consecutive month-on-month growth in passenger vehicle sales. If negative growth occurs in July, it should be considered a normal phenomenon.大行速睇 | 华尔街看好阿里、Meta!曾经的 “特斯拉头号劲敌” Rivian 目标价获大幅上调!“最差的情况已经过去”!华尔街都在上调阿里目标价!AI 炒作引爆芯片需求,台积电二季度营收超预期乘联会:6 月新能源车市场零售 66.5 万辆 同比增长 25.2%Earnings Preview | Improved Fundamentals Boost Market Confidence, Can Bank of Richland Q2 Earnings Support Optimism?蚂蚁 71 亿罚单落地后,港股科技股为何有望低位反弹?