Joining the AI healthcare and enterprise service battlefield! Amazon's new tool summarizes medical visits and helps customers create their own ChatGPT.HSBC Bank Usa, N.A. And Affiliates Raise Prime And Reference RatePowell: No ruling out the possibility of a rate hike in September, no rate cuts this year, the Federal Reserve no longer predicts a recession in the United States.The Federal Reserve raised interest rates, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen for 13 consecutive days. The S&P 500 Index turned lower from its daily high, while the Chinese concept stocks index reached its highest level in over four months.US merchants can no longer raise prices! This time it's the "last line of defense" essential product - Coca-Cola.Attention! The AI frenzy is sweeping through the US biotech stocks.Aviation giant Q2 performance exceeds expectations, Airbus adjusts tactics, Boeing's cash flow unexpectedly surges, stock price rises over 7% | Earnings Report千亿银行招行长,惊现 “离婚协议式” 条款Another charging giant emerges in North America! Seven major car companies from Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea join forces to create an electric vehicle charging network.等待 FOMC 决议,道指低开但尝试转涨,中概指数连续三日强势领跑Microsoft is sprinting towards a $30 trillion market cap.AI 应用难在哪?财富 1000 强公司:钱,人才,技术,时间...LEAPMOTOR has invited the "Key Gentleman"Target price of HKD 136! Alibaba's core e-commerce business is steadily recovering, actively expanding into the AI field.Bet on the collapse of the US stock market? Bank of America: Hedging costs at their lowest since 2008!EAST BUY's fourth-quarter revenue exceeded expectations, with net profit increasing by 115% YoY. The company achieved a turnaround from loss to profit in the fiscal year 2023. | Earnings ReportTarget price of HKD 450! Tencent's video platform strengthens revenue growth, while game growth is expected to slow down.Big Bank Quick Look | Alphabet-C, Microsoft's target price raised after performance! BILIBILI-W faces a slight "price cut"Pre-market trading in US stocks | Alphabet-C soars 7%, multiple institutions raise its target price! Microsoft falls nearly 4%, cloud business and guidance below expectationsThis year, Nvidia, which has risen more than 200%, why should market expectations be lower? US Stock Options | Snap Options Trading Surges Fourfold, Bullish Bets on Alibaba Rising to $100Hang Seng Tech falls 1.5%, Bilibili drops nearly 4%, property stocks, automotive, and energy sectors weaken, XPENG-W plunges 6.6%ChatGPT 下架官方检测工具,承认 AI 文字无法鉴别After the "special adjustment" in history, Microsoft and Apple skyrocketed by 70% in one year.中信证券:互联网板块有望涨回年初高点All eyes on the market! Will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates for the last time this round tonight?Dow Jones to hit a 18-month high? It all depends on tonight's Federal Reserve and Powell.Hong Kong Internet stocks, why can we be more optimistic? Bottom expectations are fully priced in!Microsoft Q4 Earnings Call: Strong AI Demand Signals, Faster Gross Margin Growth than Cloud Transformation Period | Earnings ReportProfit enters an upward cycle, and Hong Kong stock valuation is expected to gradually recover.Preview | Why did Meta's ratings and target prices receive significant upward revisions on the eve of the earnings report?Alphabet-C Q2 Earnings Report Call: LLM Reconstructs Search, Android 14 to Integrate AI Tools!Morgan Stanley: Mainland stimulus policies need to be implemented quickly to support stock market recovery.准确率仅为 26%,OpenAI 悄然关闭 AI 文本检测工具After the market rose more than 6% vs fell more than 3%! Alphabet-C, Microsoft achievement after why "ice and fire two days"?谷歌 Play 商店即将推出基于区块链的内容政策Microsoft: Building new data centers to support AI will significantly increase costs.US Small Banks "Join Forces for Self-Help", California Bank Acquires West Pacific United Bank.美国众议院议长麦卡锡考虑对拜登进行弹劾调查中信证券:此轮人民币汇率持续贬值的拐点已现MicrosoftAlphabet-C handed in their assignments at the same time, and Alphabet-C made a stunning comeback and earned a big profit.AI lesson for Microsoft and Google: Spend money to make money中国金融时报:发挥总量和结构性货币政策工具作用,打好政策组合拳AI revenue has yet to take off, and the growth rate of cloud business continues to slow down. Microsoft's fourth quarter was lukewarm, with a post-market drop of over 4%.GPT is not to be feared! Alphabet-C's search revenue accelerated in the second quarter, and cloud business unexpectedly did not slow down. After hours, it briefly rose more than 7%.道指连涨 12 日,中概盘初强势领跑,油价涨超 1% 站稳逾三个月新高