道指盘初转跌近 200 点,纳指涨 1% 后涨幅砍半,小鹏汽车引领中概指数走高Today, the "Giant" IPO plan may shock the world! Will he eventually "rule the world"?NH HEALTH clarifies short-selling doubts: The mystery of sales volume being several times lower than shipment volume is directly addressed.“市场系” 投资总监升任高管,这家头部券商资管又有人事变动Hang Seng Index opened lower by more than 1%, with real estate and major financials declining. SOHO China dropped more than 6%.英国计划斥资 1 亿英镑购入数千颗 AI 芯片,已与英伟达进入谈判后期MEITUAN-W's food delivery platform KeeTa will extend its service to Wong Tai Sin District starting from Thursday."Local Property Market: Two phases of 'Proximity Sea Station' in Youtang have accumulated sales of 832 units, with a total cash-out of over 5.36 billion yuan."* 中金料 22 只股份符合沪港通纳入条件 包括大家乐及香格里拉 (亚洲) 等曾生:净资产收益率与杜邦分析 2Hong Kong Dollar Interest Rates Fall Across the Board, Dipping Below 5% in Three Months to Reach a New Low in Over Two Months.耗时 2 年,Meta 联手 CMU 打造最强” 通用机器人智能体 “!《好声音》崩塌,星空华文的雷早已埋下当下内地房地产还有哪些政策储备?效果会如何?Lei Jun: XIAOMI-W achieves breakthrough in high-end implementation stage.小鹏汽车 H 股目标价为什么被大幅下调?摩根大通给出了解释财报前瞻|百度二季度业务基本盘有望增长, “文心一言” 表现超过 GPT3.5《中国好声音》负面消息发酵,母公司星空华文暴跌!被纳入恒生科技指数的威力有多大?东方甄选涨超 5% Hong Kong Stock Market | SUNAC drops more than 7%, expected to report a net loss of 15-16 billion yuan in the first half of the year, plans to sell 3 projects for 1.23 billion yuan.新加坡股市 18 日报:扬子江船业、新加坡航空股票均遭大规模抛售Intelligence Decision Reference | Jackson Hole Annual Meeting is Coming, Confidence in Hong Kong Stocks Needs to be Restored中国央行非对称 “降息”快手自研大模型 “快意” 亮相"New Fed Communications Agency": Under the "dual high" situation, the era of "ultra-low interest rates" in the United States has come to an end.印度工厂开始组装 iPhone15,印度被美国高调吹捧为理想的合作伙伴Threads 计划推网页版,但日活已大不如前马斯克:正如许多人预测的那样,X(推特)可能会失败Global stock markets under renewed pressure: Nvidia's performance and Powell's speech are major events!“内部不法行为” 引特斯拉数据泄露,影响达 7.5 万人Market eagerly awaits whether Powell will release new signals at Jackson Hole on Friday?Freight Battle: Amazon Resumes Freight Services, Competes with FedEx and UPSDuPont to sell Delrin resins unit to PE firm for around $1.8 bln- Bloomberg NewsBUZZ-View of the week-Jackson Hole could halt US yield rise, and also threaten the dollarSecretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward Yau: Hong Kong aviation recovery progressing as expected, airport passenger traffic expected to fully recover next year.机构:标普 500 指数恐录得今年以来最大单月跌幅What You Missed At The July S&P High?Goldman Sachs is not expecting a strong signal from Federal Reserve Chair Powell this weekGoldman Sachs expect 15bp rate cuts from the People's Bank of China today