Honey Snow Ice City plans to go public in Hong Kong next year, raising approximately $1 billion in funding.自动驾驶重磅文件出炉,华为、百度智行等参与编制外资为何看好中资股四季度表现?中国商务部长王文涛会见美国国会参议院多数党领袖舒默一行。新加坡股市 9 日报:胜科海事成交量狂飙Military stocks, oil stocks, or US bonds, which one is the best hedge for the "Israel-Palestine conflict"?Hong Kong Stock Market News | China Evergrande opens more than 5% higher as major offshore creditors urge it to negotiate a debt restructuring plan with regulatory authorities.Guo Mingchi: Tesla Cybertruck electric pickup truck will start delivery by the end of this year, with estimated shipments reaching 240,000 to 260,000 units by 2025.中金点评 “AI 商业化”:收入弹性大,毛利率空间高Pepsi is about to release its earnings report, but the market is only interested in the impact of diet pills.Chevron shuts down Israeli gas field, Europe bears the brunt as natural gas prices soar by 20%.The surge in interest rates is impacting the performance of the US banking industry, with billions of dollars in long-term debt becoming a burden.Google's "Century Anti-Monopoly Case" has begun, and the era of Apple effortlessly making money may be gone forever.中东地区冲突升级的担忧引美国股指期货下跌谷歌发布新 AI 搜索功能:帮助医护人员迅速查找信息OPEC raises long-term outlook for oil demand: Global oil consumption expected to increase by 16% in the next 20 years.2022 年在德国综合性电商平台中,亚马逊占据高达 61% 的市场份额微软下个月将推出其首款 AI 芯片 挑战英伟达多家车企前三季度仅完成新能源车销量目标四成,四季度会以价换量吗?US FDA declines to approve expanded use of Alnylam's heart-disease drug李强:发挥龙头企业带动作用,促进中小企业共同发展天图投资上市次日再跌 16% 创始人王永华称本土创投上市难Intelligence Hong Kong Stock Analysis | Hong Kong stock market remains calm despite the resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the real test lies ahead.习近平:中美共同利益远远大于分歧Tesla to ramp up lithium refinery earlier than plannedHow does OpenAI defend its moat? Who will be eliminated? This is the future industry landscape of AI in the eyes of venture capitalists.蓝色 iPhone 15 Pro 为什么卖不出去?电商受阻,TikTok 转学爱优腾Net inflow of HKD 684 million in Hong Kong Stock Connect for Meituan分析 - 为什么美国证券交易委员会可能会赢得与埃隆 - 马斯克的最新一战?分析 - 美国盈利预期增长可能成为股市在经历艰难时期后的一剂良药Guangzhou's richest man appoints Son Masayoshi's deputy荃信生物再冲港交所:估值八年翻 40 倍,首个即将商业化药物前景几何?腾讯控股 10 月 9 日斥资 4.02 亿港元回购 131 万股Gu Chaoming: Soaring interest rates are approaching a critical point.TikTok's e-commerce ambitions fail in IndonesiaAfter the success of the "sauce-flavored coffee" strategy, Luckin Coffee has once again made a move in the "IP embrace" game: Tom & Jerry suddenly appeared in everyone's social media feed.传自然堂母公司伽蓝集团考虑在香港进行 5 亿美元 IPO蔚来被曝未与奔驰达成合作 知情人士:奔驰的中国股东太多了旭辉集团:“20 旭辉 03” 拟于近日召开持有人会议,审议调整兑付安排、同意增加宽限期等议案Morgan Stanley: PC market to experience rapid growth next year, these two stocks are preferred.Singapore banks sharpen scrutiny after $2 bln money laundering scandal -sources