监管部门拟定房企白名单 明确要求 “三个不低于”一年烧百亿:国产手机卷入大模型战争哔哩哔哩发布《网络微短剧内容规范治理公告》Polytech: Tech "Big Seven" Boosts US Stock Valuations, But Valuations Remain ReasonableStock price hits a new high, Microsoft "turns disaster into fortune", completely eliminates the future troubles of AI?Hong Kong Stock Market News | Real estate stocks open high, SUNAC up nearly 7%, regulatory authorities are reportedly drafting a list of 50 real estate companies eligible for financing.中金:本轮人民币汇率的回升行情很可能还没有结束新鸿基地产香港新盘推售价格创六年最低《独家新闻》OpenAI 投资者在 Altman 突遭解职后考虑起诉董事会 -- 消息Another bad news for an AI company: C3.AI announced layoffs in multiple departments, causing its stock price to plummet more than 10% during trading hours.Citigroup, the largest organizational restructuring in 20 years has begun! Starting with a top-level clean-up, over 300 senior managers will be laid off.Earnings report expected to soar! Can NVIDIA once again shoulder the "hope of the whole village"?Oriental Garden's debt restructuring creates another wave of rebirth.Microsoft: From "Software Giant" to "AI Empire" Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975, has long been known as the "Software Giant" due to its dominance in the software industry. However, in recent years, the company has undergone a significant transformation and is now positioning itself as an "AI Empire". With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, Microsoft has been actively investing in and developing AI capabilities. The company has made significant progress in areas such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, enabling it to provide advanced AI solutions to various industries. One of Microsoft's key AI initiatives is its Azure cloud platform, which offers a wide range of AI services and tools. These include Azure Machine Learning, Azure Cognitive Services, and Azure Bot Service, among others. These services enable developers and businesses to easily incorporate AI capabilities into their applications and processes. In addition to its cloud platform, Microsoft has also been focusing on developing AI-powered products and services. For example, the company's virtual assistant, Cortana, utilizes AI technology to provide personalized assistance to users. Microsoft's AI research division, Microsoft Research, is also at the forefront of AI innovation, conducting cutting-edge research in areas such as deep learning and reinforcement learning. Furthermore, Microsoft has been actively collaborating with other companies and organizations to promote the development and adoption of AI. The company has formed partnerships with leading AI research institutions, such as OpenAI and the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, to advance the field of AI and address its ethical implications. Through these efforts, Microsoft is not only expanding its influence in the AI industry but also transforming itself into an "AI Empire". The company's vision is to empower individuals and organizations with AI technology, enabling them to achieve more and drive innovation in the digital age. In conclusion, Microsoft's journey from being a "Software Giant" to an "AI Empire" reflects its commitment to embracing and harnessing the power of AI. With its extensive AI capabilities and strategic partnerships, Microsoft is well-positioned to lead the way in the AI revolution and shape the future of technology.Volvo is about to usher in its "big year"The market, which has been "slapped in the face" six times, is once again "believing for the seventh time" in the possibility of a soft landing in the United States and a shift in the Federal Reserve's stance.Xiaomi's Q3 revenue exceeded expectations, with net profit increasing by 182.9% YoY | Insights from the earnings reportTencent Holdings spent approximately HKD 401 million on November 20th to repurchase 1.24 million shares.ByteDance’s revenue in Q2 surpassed Tencent, narrowed gap to Alibaba and MetaAltman's followers' expectations are dashed! Media reports have revealed that Altman will not return to OpenAI.BMO: US stocks avoid "profit doomsday" and pave the way for a year-end reboundCan Netflix and Disney continue to rebound?This week, NVIDIA's earnings report is coming in strong, followed closely by the financial reports of retailers such as Lowe's.盒马暂缓上市猜想SpaceX 的星舰又炸了,马斯克却说成功了?AI 时代,没有人能摆脱英伟达!60/40 股债策略过时了?大摩:AI 将改变投资核心逻辑!Jumped 200 points! Offshore RMB breaks through the 7.2 levelIs Altman returning to OpenAI? The biggest winners and losers are: Microsoft!华尔街大空头做空特斯拉亏惨了!Dunhe: The US dollar is putting downward pressure, A-shares and Hong Kong stocks are expected to rebound from the bottom.Swiss Prosperity Zhen Junjie: Overall fundamentals are improving, and the attractiveness of Hong Kong stocks is gradually returning.美股涨个不停,“灾难对冲” VIX 期权买气随之兴旺* 野村下调阿里目标价至 134 美元 评级「买入」Be cautious! Warren Buffett has sold approximately $23.6 billion worth of stocks this year. Is the future of the US stock market worrisome?Coinbase: Approval of Bitcoin Spot ETF Will Increase Cryptocurrency Market Cap by Billions of Dollars新加坡股市 17 日报:恒生科技指数权证遭大规模抛售"No interest rate cut!" China's 1-year and 5-year LPR rates remain unchanged in November.