Huang Renxun: Every day feels like the first day of entrepreneurship! I sacrificed everything for NVIDIA.NetEase's pre-market trading fell by over 5%, with a 16% decrease in net profit QoQ in Q4. The daily active users of "Egg Party" during the Spring Festival exceeded 40 million.WSB Hot Topic | Up 6000% in Four Years! Functional beverage company Celsius is about to release its earnings report.中美举行新一轮外交政策磋商美国 SEC 考虑允许比特币 ETF 及相关信托期权上市交易知情人士回应小鹏汽车起火:整个车都烧成骨架,现场惨烈,车主疑似当场死亡NetEase Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2023 Unaudited Financial ResultsZhitong Hong Kong Stock 52-Week Highs and Lows Statistics on February 29th.云音乐:2023 年经调整净利润 8.19 亿元 同比扭亏为盈B 端人工智能可能会迎来爆发? 增长加速,股价暴涨The key model behind Sora, the breakthrough to achieving AGI?Coinbase 市值超越香港交易所 成为全球第四大上市交易所The most powerful AI chip B100 is coming! NVIDIA may release it in March.美股 “贵得离谱”?华尔街唱多情绪高涨,分析师喊出 6000 点目标位美股恐将回调 10%?分析师:反弹幅度不够大,技术面有压力美联储官员:本轮降息节奏将 “与前几轮周期不同”英伟达内部人士加大抛售力度 最新财报披露后已套现 8000 万美元Bitcoin plunged after approaching historical highs, ETFs went crazy, Coinbase crashed, and Nigeria cracked down on people.英伟达 IR call,信息量很大...AI 算力新材料火了,美股 AXTI 仅 3 天股价翻倍,A 股概念股不到 10 只Apple has stopped making cars! Wall Street applauds: Making cars is not profitable, not worthy of Apple.比特币价格上涨提振下 矿商 Marathon DigitalQ4 业绩超预期NVIDIA's market share reaches as high as 40%! The battle of AI chip "inference" is underway.* 汇丰研究升拼多多目标价至 186 美元 上调 Temu GMV 及收入预测BREAKINGVIEWS-Baidu may be the world's most unloved AI stock开启汽车项目前,苹果公司据悉曾与马斯克讨论收购特斯拉20 天飙涨 29%!银行理财反弹也 “疯狂”2024 Earnings Report | After a slowdown in revenue growth, ZAI LAB, with $800 million in hand, "cuts off three arms" voluntarily.阿里云全线降价 20%电车一再降,油车慌不慌?库克:苹果在生成式 AI 上 “投资巨大”,今年晚些时候将分享 “新突破”风声鹤唳!PCE 数据今晚重磅来袭,美股恐遭遇 “腥风血雨”S&P Global: Chip manufacturers face risks of water shortage, chip prices may be pushed higher.Hong Kong Stock Market Update: Bitcoin briefly surpassed $64,000, MEITU rose over 6%, and SINOHOPE TECH surged over 4%.Subscription and profit both exceeded expectations, "American New Oriental" Duolingo surged 20% after hours.Hong Kong Stock Market Update: MIDLAND HOLDING surged over 12% again, with a 50% increase in the past two trading days. The Hong Kong property market is experiencing a comprehensive cooling trend.* 美银证券降百度-SW 目标价至 153 元 宏观环境疲弱仍带来风险Hong Kong Stock Market Update: CHALIECO surged more than 12% in early trading. News suggests that the market value management assessment measures may be released soon.Meta Platforms is planning to release Llama 3 in July, with capabilities close to GPT-4, with up to 1.4 trillion parameters.数字货币概念异动拉升 御银股份、智度股份双双涨停比特币大涨之际 Coinbase 平台出现故障 部分账户结余清零A surge is sweeping through! BlackRock sets a record with a single-day investment of $520 million, marking the roaring return of Bitcoin leverage.新秀丽的行李箱要去哪里The CEO unexpectedly retired, performance guidance was weak, and cloud computing giant Snowflake plummeted 20% after hours.Salesforce turned a loss into a profit in the fourth quarter, but its performance guidance fell short of expectations, causing the stock price to plummet by 7% at one point.港股概念追踪 | 比特币价格突破 6 万美元大关 加密货币迎来短期繁荣 (附概念股)