Huaxing Capital: Gives Meituan a "Buy" rating with a target price of HKD 180. Management holds a positive outlook on performance in the second half of the year英伟达年底危险?AI 软件有机会成下个拼多多?对话朱啸虎,给出最新解答 | WeTalkDELL's lower-than-expected quarterly report is just to grab orders, actual orders will far exceed expectations | AI DehydrationThe central bank will inject a net of 390 billion yuan into the open market this week, with 390 billion yuan of reverse repurchase agreements maturing next weekSpanish Banco Santander SA-Spon is reportedly close to reaching an agreement with Amazon on consumer financeEB SECURITIES: Under the generative AI wave, the upgrade of network security attack and defense, the emerging network security architecture is flourishing刚刚 沪指跌破 3000 点!港股也在跌 恒大系突然暴涨 恒大汽车涨 37% 发生了什么?Deloitte: Lowering this year's Hong Kong IPO fundraising forecast to HKD 60-80 billionOmdia: Ultra-thin flexible glass shipments are growing rapidly, with a projected year-on-year increase of 36.7% to reach 33.7 million pieces by 2025高盛:下半年电商将有更多机会 予阿里、拼多多及快手 “买入” 评级Asian stock markets are sluggish, with NVIDIA's "plunge" leading to a decline in Asian semiconductor stocks, with Taiwan Semiconductor falling more than 1.5%Hang Seng Index fell by 1.8%, led by Meituan's declineMore than Apple's cut! Tencent challenges Android phone manufacturers, multiple popular mobile games are renegotiating revenue sharing ratiosFormer "hawk king" of the Federal Reserve, Bullard: Latest CPI reignites hopes for rate cut in September, but the pace will still be slowAI Era: Hardware frenzy, software lonelinessMorgan Stanley calculates Temu's global expansion potential: GMV to reach $130 billion by 2030, with Europe and Latin America as the main focusWill the market peak after reaching 6000 points? Strategist: US stocks may experience a 10% surge followed by a 20% plunge due to "mania"Li Auto: Cumulative delivery volume exceeds 800,000 vehicles in 54 months快讯:港股三大指数集体下跌 科网股、海运股、光伏股跌幅靠前速腾聚创早盘涨近 4% 公司近日获纳入港股通名单Global economy "canary in the coal mine" export growth slows down, while semiconductor exports still surge by 50.2%Why is AMD's stock price soaring?When it comes to Wall Street, looking at pharmaceuticals is like looking at "weight loss"The biggest "Triple Witching Day" in history coincides with index adjustments. Can the US stock market remain "calm"?NVIDIA leading the plunge, all scared by this Friday?三星 Galaxy Buds 3 耳机渲染图曝光:设计大改,像素级复制苹果 AirPodsShort selling restrictions, South Korean stock market "upgrade" failsAfter hours, Sarepta surged over 33%! Its DMD gene therapy Elevidys approved for expanded indications英伟达盘中 “跳水” 8%,黄仁勋拟再套现 1.2 亿元!“三巫日” 来袭,超 36 万亿元美股期权到期规模或为史上最大100% effective! Gilead's long-acting HIV prevention drug trial achieves positive resultsTwo large orders in the US interest rate futures market "betting" on a rate cut in July, focusing on Powell's testimony at the Senate meeting on July 9th英伟达看跌期权交易飙升,股价单日振幅超 6%,市值被微软反超Hong Kong Stock Concept Tracking | ChatGPT's electricity consumption for one query is 10 times that of Google search. The development of AI computing power has spurred a massive demand for electricity (with concept stocks attached)HTSC: How to understand the differentiated market trend of US stocks?Breakfast | Today's "Triple Witching Day" may trigger massive volatility in US stocks, Huang Renxun once again reduces holdings in NVIDIAFederal Reserve officials reiterate: Need to see more evidence of declining inflation before cutting interest ratesBlackRock: Continues to maintain an overweight position on technology and artificial intelligence themes英伟达股价大跌,市值单日波动 2460 亿美元ZhiTong ADR Statistics | June 216 月 20 日美股成交额前 20:据称 AMD 即将推出锐龙 9000 系列Danish Zealand's new drug averages an 8.6% weight loss, with a 10% surge in stock price周四热门中概股涨跌不一 B 站涨 5.4%,台积电跌 2.4%Involving $5 trillion! The Triple Witching Day is coming, with the scale of expiring US stock options potentially being the largest in history午盘:美股涨跌不一 纳指小幅下滑Securities brokerage horizontal integration is on the rise again: Western Securities may be planning to acquire Guorong Securities戴尔股价一度大涨 8.3% 此前宣布与英伟达为马斯克的 xAI 打造 AI 工厂哔哩哔哩大涨超 9% 近期获多家华尔街大行上调目标价Morgan Stanley "Tesla Fans": Buy before the release of "Master Plan Part Deux"!Surging Demand for Discount Groceries in the U.S. Kroger's Q1 Performance Exceeds Expectations三巨头总市值超 10 万亿 苹果重回第一