Meituan's organizational adjustment may affect the advancement of its local life strategyIs the market right? Tech giants' earnings reports "crush" the US stock marketBig shots also crash: Some people bottom-fish and blow up their positions, while others lose decades of wealth in just one day.Pre-market Update: Meta Platforms and Amazon Lead the Way, Apple and Tesla Decline!Rating Quick Look | Wall Street is "fighting" for Alphabet-C and AMD? But unanimously optimistic about Microsoft!Hot discussion on WSB | NVIDIA breaks new highs in pre-market, demand for AI chips remains strongApple Conference Call: Still bullish on the Chinese market, has invested in AI but progress remains undisclosed前瞻 | 3 月降息预期因今夜美国非农 “重燃”?药明系又暴跌!美参院版 “生物安全法” 已获 6 名议员支持US Stock Options | Amazon and Citigroup trading nearly doubled! The hottest contract overnight is not Tesla?香港房屋局:未来 3 至 4 年一手私人住宅大约可提供 10.9 万伙Earnings report exceeds expectations, why does Apple fall instead of rise?美股走在悬崖边上 美联储也会重蹈覆辙?今年最猛的美股行业,并不是芯片!6 年来最大组织架构调整,美团传递出什么信号?Meta Platforms Conference Call: 2023 is the Year of Efficiency, Chinese Advertisers Boost Financial RecoveryMeta 回应首次派息:是对现有股票回购计划的一个很好补充理解市场 | 药明生物为何又大跌 20%?阿里、腾讯再次开打价格战!Wall Street collectively "tears up reports", following Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Barclays also change their stance to "rate cut in May"亚市午盘:亚太股市多数走高 非农数据前美元偏弱华兴资本:包凡辞去公司执行董事、董事会主席、首席执行官等职务解读公司 | Vision Pro 大卖背后的隐忧库克:选择升级的 iPhone 用户创新高 iPhone15 系列销量超 14 系列国信证券港股 2 月策略:在高股息、出口、出行中寻找机会每日数字货币动态汇总跨境 ETF 再添新员,道琼斯工业 ETF 今日上市美团启动架构调整 提升科技与境外业务优先级"Market leader" Goldman Sachs issues rare warning: Minor pullback in US stocks could trigger a major declineAmazon plans to launch an AI shopping assistant called Rufus exclusively for mobile users.日特估不够香?日本散户大举涌入印度股市Hong Kong Stock Market News | BILIBILI-W surges over 6%, leading the gaming stocks. Import game licenses for February have been released, including multiple console games.Meta 高管:未来几年需要投资更多来支持 AI 业务安踏体育涨近 5% 旗下亚玛芬美股 IPO 首日涨超 3%Meta Platforms has released its "strongest earnings report in history" and has also announced its "first-ever dividend"! The market is ecstatic about it.库克称苹果不向 Masimo 低头 AppleWatch 没有血氧仍有很多卖点美国现货比特币 ETF 期权获得监管批准可能需要数月时间 -- 消息人士传英伟达中国特供 AI 芯片开始预订 价格与华为昇腾 910B 相当Amazon's operating profit increased by 38%, dispelling doubts! Generative AI gradually integrates into core products.库克:苹果活跃设备装机量超 22 亿台 将一如既往地追求突破性创新Breakfast | Meta Platforms, Amazon's impressive performance reignites the rally in US stocks, Vision Pro goes on sale in the US today.