港股缩量下行,恒指跌穿 18000 点,恒科指跌逾 3%,碧桂园成唯一上涨内房股Buffett's "blessing" propels US real estate stocks to rise against the trend, undeterred by high interest rates.AI skepticism spreads! Bing fails to defeat Alphabet-C, the success or failure of Office AI version attracts attention诺辉健康与做空方对垒纪实:谁在说谎?SoftBank's subsidiary, Arm, has hired 28 underwriters for its IPO.腾讯正在成为 “微信公司”Revenue surge drives Tesla's subsidiary SpaceX to achieve profitability in the first quarter of this year.比特币短线跌破 2.6 万美元 24 小时爆仓超 10 亿美元In the past 15 years, the "dividend" has come to an end, and overseas markets are returning to the "high-yield era". Are technology stocks leading the way?Last year's revenue doubled, with first-quarter revenue of $1.5 billion and a profit of $55 million! Rare exposure of SpaceX's financial data.The United States is enthusiastic about weight loss drugs, reshaping the Danish economy.央行首提银行合理利润超过 7%!香港存款又火了!7.09%! US mortgage rates rise to a 20-year high, real estate market cools significantly央行传达 “三稳” 信号:稳地产、稳商业银行利润和稳汇率外媒:SEC 势将为以太坊期货 ETF 开绿灯Another bad news for the US stock market! Federal Reserve officials are becoming increasingly cautious about the stock market's rise.Why is it difficult to short NVIDIA, which has surged 200% this year? Analysts say it monopolizes the AI economy.“全球资产定价之锚” 再发威、收益率逼近 2007 年来高位,纳指转跌"Digital Therapy First Unit" Brain Moving Aurora IPO: The "Question Bank Business" of Cognitive Impairment哔哩哔哩董事长兼首席执行官陈睿:我们的首要任务仍然是实现收入和社区的高质量增长苹果印度扩产关键点:首次几乎与中国同时生产 iPhone 新型号The central bank: Maintaining the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level, resolutely guarding against the risk of exchange rate overshooting.恒生科技午后反转收涨 0.78%,汽车领涨,小鹏汽车涨 4.4%,京东跌 1.42%Alphabet-C's GPT Killer: "The Most Powerful Model" Gemini Shows Its Potential, Expected to be Released in Autumn台媒:高通被曝启动台湾地区裁员,10 月或将裁 200 人商务部:欢迎美商务部长雷蒙多访华,双方正就访问安排保持密切沟通Be careful! Is the US stock market really going to crash? "Stock God" and "Big Short" are both preparing.美国前财长萨默斯:“全球资产定价之锚” 10 年期美债收益率料攀升至 4.75%收购玛莎拉蒂?小鹏汽车回应:谣言董事长 “秒回”:对方要讹诈!癌症早筛龙头被指 “九成收入作假”,谁在做空?BofA further raises Nio price target, expects deliveries of 20,000-21,000 per month in Aug and SepOpenAI 官宣第一笔收购!开源「我的世界」8 人顶级团队加盟,押注 AI 智能体下半年,有色金属能否止跌反弹?MEDIA-Morgan Stanley sees China missing its growth target this year - Bloomberg News如何看待美股科技股近期的疲软表现新加坡股市 16 日报:金龙鱼母公司丰益国际再度遭遇抛售用 ChatGPT 分析法律合同!全球法律技术领导者 Litera 与微软合作Earnings Report 2023|Did 361 Degrees Fall Victim to Misjudgment?