每日投行/机构观点梳理港股大金融股尾盘直线拉升Is Tesla's stock price finally getting a boost? It is expected to mass-produce a new model, Redwood, by mid-2025.潘功胜:人民银行将于 2 月 5 日下调存款准备金率 0.5 个百分点US Stock Options | Market cools down, but BABA-SWR trading volume soars! AMD, Apple calls are in high demand.Earnings Report Preview | Tesla's Profit Margin, Analyst Views, Cybertruck Still in Focus2024 年车企价格战:谁是雪铁龙 C6,谁又是比亚迪"Old Bond King" Gross: US stocks appear to be overinflated, and the US economy is facing a severe recession.小摩再次给币圈 “泼冷水”:现货以太坊 ETF 获批概率不高于 50%Survey | Welcome to provide some suggestions on information交银国际:维持快手-W“买入” 评级 费用优化或好于此前预期SLM Counterattacks LLM? Microsoft Bets on Smaller, Cheaper "Large Models"Leading bone repair material company Jiuyuan Gene prepares for Hong Kong IPO: May face challenges in centralized procurement and heparin cycle消息:特斯拉计划在 2025 年年中生产新型电动汽车桥水称 “适度看多” 中国股市亚市午盘:香港领涨亚股 日本股市下跌Is NVIDIA no longer the "chip leader"? Morgan Stanley's TOP1 has become Western Digital李云泽:将以金融供给侧结构性改革为主线,引导金融机构回归本源、聚焦主业QDII performance "bumper harvest"! Emerging markets become the focus of layout with an impressive growth of over 66% in 2023.EXPLAINER-When and how would BOJ exit ultra-loose monetary policy?花旗:预计标普 500 指数的年中目标为 4800 点日本央行又 “变脸” 了,日本股债双杀波音又一机型现重大事故,飞机起跑途中轮胎突然脱落,马斯克表示震惊网易游戏发布寒假限玩通知:未成年人春节只能玩 9 小时,整个假期总计 16 小时Contrary to the market, Bank of America once again includes Apple in its top picks for US stocks李云泽:内地金融业总体运行稳健、风险可控,将继续强化穿透式监管摩根大通发布研究报告称,予网易-S“增持” 评级,目标价 195 港元金融监管总局规范新能源车险承保,不得对特定车型 “一刀切” 限制承保Understanding the Market | Why did Bitcoin experience a significant drop after the launch of spot ETFs?Leading company's earnings report falls short of expectations, causing a sharp decline in the "hot sector" of the US stock market李家超:中国香港正在计划发行第二批代币化绿色债券每日数字货币动态汇总蚂蚁集团股东结构调整完成!马云不再担任实控人Hong Kong Stock Market News | KEEP rises over 6% and reaches strategic cooperation with OPPO to jointly explore sports intelligence.李云泽:中国内地经济增长活力足 宏观政策空间大科网股早盘集体走高 阿里巴巴-SW 及百度集团-SW 均涨超 6%Apple's "car-making ambition" to "stall"? Intends to lower autonomous driving to L2+ and postpone release to 2028.商汤董事长谈大模型:再不抓紧开展前瞻研究,可能被美国抛得越来越远理解市场 | 奈飞盘后为何涨超 8%?* 摩通重申今年内地网游首选网易近期股价回调为入市良机阿里巴巴-SW 开市升 6% 据报上季获马云大手增持US real estate companies have reached their peak? "Leading" company's profits decline, and this analyst has made another accurate prediction.The hottest AI "darling" in the stock market since 2023 is not NVIDIA