The first tech IPO in the US this year! "American Reddit" Reddit is planning to be valued at $6.5 billion.挑战英伟达,需要另辟蹊径Guosheng Securities: Bitdeer officially announces self-developed mining machines, expecting more mining companies to join the game in the future.AI 硬件暴涨的一晚Backed by tech giants, is the founder of Figure AI the "Musk 2.0"?比小鹏、问界都贵,谁给了理想 MEGA 勇气?Loose expectations are heating up, US bonds surged, gold hit a historic high, US, European, and Japanese stocks had a strong start in March, NVIDIA's market value exceeded 2 trillion, while NYCB bank in the crisis-stricken area experienced a sharp decline.每 100 天增加约 1 万亿美元!美国债务接近 34.4 万亿美元Sam Altman's personal wealth has reached at least $2 billion, not including his stake in OpenAI!The Federal Reserve's semi-annual monetary policy report: Still highly vigilant about inflation risks, warning of fragility in financial stability.郭明錤:资本市场早就不在意苹果是否要开发苹果电动汽车这件事香港地产隐贵背刺碧桂园对当前经济形势的几个判断小鹏汽车:2 月 29 日上午发生的小鹏 P7 交通事故发生前车辆状态正常,未开启辅助驾驶功能美股前瞻 | 美联储官员密集发声:今年降息两到三次加密货币总市值突破 2.4 万亿美元工行新任副行长 “就位”The fifth domestic CAR-T therapy has arrived in China: CARSGEN-B approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma.Baruch, the Wall Street genius: The crowd is always wrong!WSB Hot Topic | Celsius soared 75 times in four years, surged 20% overnightAI、减肥药、比特币,二月 “信则灵”!Tesla is suing OpenAI and its CEO Ultraman, demanding that OpenAI be open-sourced.Wall Street Hunts For Next AI Gold Mine After Nvidia's Meteoric Rise美股 “七姐妹” 和欧股 “十一罗汉” 的热度还能持续多久?Facing the high levels of the US stock market, Barclays has proposed an intervention strategy: using call options to "bet big with a small investment."The US stock market is caught in the AI gold rush. Besides NVIDIA, which other "gold mines" will shine?传言 “蚂蚁集团收购方正证券” 求证:不实消息Top 5 HK Stock Gainers/Losers (>100B) (3.1)美联物业:“撤辣” 后周末预约看楼量增八成 反价盘倍增AI 生猛,戴尔收入下滑股价却暴涨 19%Approaching 40,000 points! Japan's PMI sees the largest contraction in 3 years, but Japanese stocks continue to hit new highs.亚太主要股指涨声一片,日股、澳股、印度股市齐创历史新高,A 股也在 2 月 “扬眉吐气” 了一把马斯克:AI 发展速度前所未见,希望人形机器人 “善待” 人类小摩向比特币狂潮 “泼冷水”:减半狂热冷却后将回调许正宇:将在年中前敲定恶劣天气下运作股市的细节BUZZ-View of the Week: Fed pricing matches Fed dots, now what?印度 SENSEX 指数续创历史新高Understanding the market | Why did MEITUAN surge by 10%?Why did AMD surge by 9% overnight, with a market value exceeding 300 billion?美联储三号人物:没有必要进一步收紧政策,今年晚些时候会降息