马斯克:所有初代特斯拉 Roadster 的原始设计和工程现在完全开源腾讯三季度财报解读:AI 大模型成下个十年的新支点?微软 Copilot Web AI 将于 12 月 1 日正式上线,支持简体中文摩根大通:百度估值被低估 升目标价至 210 港元及评级 “增持”What can investors look forward to as Black Friday approaches?Miniso delivers its strongest performance in history, why did the stock price drop more than 10%? | Insight ResearchFund Manager: The rebound in US stocks may be temporary. Multiple factors next year will put pressure on the market.Meta 首席产品官、首席法务官分别减持公司股份澳大利亚能源供应商 Origin 据悉考虑推迟对 125 亿美元收购要约的投票高盛称特斯拉仍是对冲基金做空最多股票,空仓规模近 190 亿美元郭明錤:英伟达财报结果与财测击败卖方预期Japanese stocks hit a new high again, all thanks to Buffett.中信证券秦培景:三阶段配置刚进入第二阶段,科技和医药板块超额收益显著The People's Bank of China and three other departments: Hurry up to formulate implementation measures to increase support for financing of technology-based enterprises.中植披露资不抵债逾 2000 亿元Can the US stock market continue to rise? JPMorgan: Yes, it can.参与 “车顶维权” 车主被判道歉 向特斯拉赔偿 2000 元The most powerful car company this year路透旗下媒体 IFR:宁德时代考虑在香港上市Trading Alert: US stock market will be closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving, and will close 3 hours early on Friday.刘强东换帅真相:许冉把战略执行到底换电接客,蔚来过冬Hong Hao: Now the safety cushion is very high, only optimistic people can make money.阿里内部发文:目前马云一股未卖,未来也会长期持有阿里股票蔚来 CEO 李斌:将来几年的竞争,强度只会增加不会下降,必须做好心理准备警方通报斗鱼 CEO 被捕:陈某杰涉嫌开设赌场罪被执行逮捕Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie has been arrested, reportedly related to the live streaming channel "Changsha Rural Brave Team".黄仁勋:AI 不会夺走你的工作,但使用 AI 的人会!无论个人还是企业,一切都是选择!Tesla raises prices four times in a row, even the price butcher can't stop it | Insight Research《热点透视》Nvidia 赶上人工智能风口,暂时不用担心对华出口限制Join the bullish camp on US stocks! Bank of America predicts that the S&P 500 index will reach a new high of 5000 points next year.融创中国高开近 6% 日前宣布境外债务重组正式生效Earnings report explodes, guidance is strong, but why did NVIDIA's stock price still fall?港媒:恒大债权人接管许家印位于香港山顶的两处豪宅,合计市值超 15 亿港元中金:关注自动驾驶里程碑式政策的出台Performance continues to explode! The AI boom is unstoppable, and "shovel sellers" Nvidia is crazily raking in the cash.英伟达:正努力扩展数据中心产品组件,这些产品可能不受限于管制新规许可证一个月内特斯拉四次涨价 业内人士:“底气” 或源于保值率Hong Kong Stock Exchange Announcement: Average daily active users reach a historical high, several core businesses maintain strong growth.Zhao Xiaoguang from Tianfeng Securities: The essence of OpenAI's power struggle lies in the lack of data. In the future, the most important aspect of AI will be its application.NVIDIA faces headwinds in AI, Q3 performance continues to crush expectations, but warns of Q4 sales in China, stock drops more than 6% after hours.