微软高管解读 Q2 财报:下半财年将坚持提升 AI 相关业务的贡献占比阿里云推无伺服器 AI 平台弹性算法服务美股 AI 股市值一夜缩水 1900 亿美元!* 大摩相信拼多多股价 30 日内将跑赢大市AMD: Raises by 75%, exceeding 3.5 billion! Wall Street: Far from enough!航空财报季收官:机场全线扭亏,三大民营航司预盈,国有三大航扭亏仍在路上It's time to determine the winner in the price war between Luckin Coffee and KFC | Jianzhi Research“超级风险周” 重头戏前夕,市场凶猛看跌美债Standard Chartered Bank: Ethereum ETF expected to be approved in May, Ether price may rise to $4,000.Microsoft's revenue hits a new high! Azure is expanding aggressively with the AI boom, and the number of paid B-side Office cloud users exceeds 400 million.Breakfast | US stocks hit the brakes on their upward trend, Guo Mingchi pessimistic about Apple's 2024 shipment volume.香港首只比特币现货 ETF 有望春节后上市!Microsoft's fourth-quarter earnings report last year exceeded expectations, with cloud growth still needing to accelerate. After-hours trading saw a decline of over 2%. | Earnings ReportIt's not NVIDIA or Tesla, but Wood's largest holding is this stock.Renowned Apple analyst pours cold water before earnings report: Apple's shipment forecast for this year is expected to decrease by 15% YoY.德国警方调查盗版电影网站 意外收获 5 万个比特币Apple Vision Pro review: This is the future of computing and entertainment劳斯莱斯 “躬身” 向网红美股三大指数低开,美联储 FOMC 会议今日开始Microsoft's ambition goes beyond "AI assistants"! Github Copilot becomes a chip to compete for cloud computing customers.“都忙着接电话”!上海调整限购政策,释放近 11 年单身购房需求苹果 iOS 史上最大更新!Siri 要上大模型了AMD Earnings Preview: Market Focuses on AI Chips, Q4 Revenue Expected to Slightly Exceed ExpectationsTesla: First Principles, the Best Way to ThinkPre-market US Stocks | PDD leads the decline in Chinese concept stocks! Market awaits Microsoft, Alphabet-C, and AMD earnings reports after market close.Hot discussion on WSB | SMCI replaces NVIDIA as the AI stock with the highest increaseGlobal M&A Market Expected to Rebound in 2024 after a Year of Winter, According to Bain & CompanyIs today's NVIDIA the same as the original Cisco?Rating Quick Look | Overall upgrade of US stocks to "overweight"! AMD, NVIDIA are optimistic, Tesla's target price is loweredEuropean stocks open higher and rise, today's Microsoft, Alphabet-C, AMD earnings report一日售罄,美国 50ETF 迎来 “新丁”国资委:企业对外转让标的价格低于评估结果 90%、高于 110% 时,应当经经济行为批准单位充分论证合理性国务院国资委:首次提出中央企业应当对资产评估项目实施分类管理Nanobiotix 盘前涨超 5% 获得 2000 万美元的里程碑付款科技股推动股市反弹 全球最大主权基金 2023 年回报率达 16%Hong Kong Stock Market Closing (01.30) | Hang Seng Index fell 2.32%, once again breaking below the 16,000 level. Technology, semiconductor, and property stocks are under pressure.Volkswagen said to push back battery unit IPO plans - Bloomberg News上海再次放松住房限购措施In the wave of electrification, TM ADR US maintains its position as the top-selling brand, with sales reaching a new record high.今晚,所有 AI 人都盯着这份财报!US Stock Options | Tesla, NVIDIA not so hot anymore? SoFi, Lucid stock prices surge, options trading also skyrockets!After the market reaches a new high, which US stocks are worth buying? Here are 3 recommended by Oppenheimer.Is the Vision Pro selling like hotcakes and can it become Apple's "savior" in the future?Earnings Report Preview | Multiple adverse factors combined, Pfizer's Q4 performance may experience a significant decline.