耀才证券:減印花稅對港股沒憧憬Google's post-earnings plunge is reminiscent of Tesla's misfortune. It turns out that overvaluation is to blame!Apple's multiple online services have seen a significant price increase. It is rumored that they will release a new model of AirPods next year.AMD 回应 “中国区大幅裁员”:网络传闻失实,系小幅度优化重组Goldman Sachs: US government may shut down for 2-3 weeks in November.After fourteen years, there will be a change in leadership at Morgan Stanley! Ted Pick will be appointed as the new CEO, while James Gorman will step down.There is hope that the six-week-long strike will come to an end! Ford Motor Company is reportedly close to reaching an agreement with the union, which may result in an actual salary increase of 30%.福特与美国汽车工人联合会据悉就结束罢工达成初步协议Zero Run Motors plans to issue subscription shares to Stellantis and establish a joint venture company to expand its international layout.Strong advertising, cost reduction is effective, but Meta's warning of a huge loss in the metaverse! Meta's stock soared after hours and then fell | Earnings Report InsightsThe Nasdaq plummeted 2.4%, marking its worst performance in eight months. Google's stock fell over 9%, its worst in three and a half years. Meanwhile, long-term bond yields surged more than 10 basis points.Following in the footsteps of Netflix, Apple TV+ is raising its prices. It is set to release new high-end and affordable versions of AirPods next year.The demand for electric vehicles in the United States is cooling down! General Motors and Honda's plan to produce a $30,000 affordable electric vehicle has also been abandoned.Liu Qiangdong faces a challenging autumnUS stock index futures show mixed movements, with Google's pre-market drop exceeding 6%. US bond yields are once again on the rise.Tech Giants AI Battle: Microsoft Leads, Google Slows Down"Super Mergers and Acquisitions" in the oil industry are happening frequently, but is the "twilight of old energy" still far away?Amidst a chorus of bearish voices, the "50 cent" trader takes a bold bet on the "surge of the Japanese yen".Big models are rolling out so fast that even OpenAI is struggling with the "pricing" issue.拼多多旗下 Temu 单季度 GMV 猛增至 50 亿美金,或超额完成年度目标香港证券及期货专业总会:建议进一步下调甚至废除港股股票印花税Not only the Federal Reserve, but also the central banks of the United Kingdom and the United States are losing control over interest rates.锂价重创,但对冲基金都在澳洲 “抢矿”iPhone 15 prices plummet, Apple is in a hurryiPhone15,提前甩卖Insights into ISSB Guidelines: Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses香港下调股票印花税,会有怎样的影响?香港新住宅印花税将减半香港房委会将延长二手市场最长 30 年按揭贷款保证期至 50 年李家超:将促进香港股票人民币计价交易李家超:已要求香港证监会与港交所研究落实维持恶劣天气下交易等建议下一个 AI 制高点是它?高通、联想、苹果都有大消息,行业转折点也要到了李家超:在港投資股票等資產 3000 萬元或以上 可申資本投資者入境計劃來港无惧减肥药冲击,可口可乐提高收入预期香港特区行政长官李家超今日公布《施政报告》In the media's perspective, what makes a good ESG story?From One to Many: ESG and Corporate Value ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors have become increasingly important in the business world. Companies are realizing that their environmental and social impact, as well as their governance practices, can significantly affect their long-term success and value. In the past, the focus was primarily on financial performance and shareholder value. However, this narrow perspective is no longer sufficient in today's society, where stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and regulators, are demanding more transparency and accountability from companies. ESG factors encompass a wide range of issues, such as climate change, resource management, labor practices, diversity and inclusion, ethical business conduct, and board composition. By addressing these factors, companies can not only mitigate risks but also seize opportunities for innovation and growth. Investors are increasingly incorporating ESG considerations into their investment decisions. They recognize that companies with strong ESG performance are more likely to generate sustainable returns and withstand market volatility. As a result, companies that prioritize ESG are attracting more capital and enjoying a competitive advantage. ESG is not just a trend; it is a fundamental shift in how businesses operate and create value. It requires a holistic approach that integrates sustainability into every aspect of a company's strategy, operations, and culture. Companies that embrace ESG as a core part of their business model are not only contributing to a more sustainable future but also enhancing their own long-term value. In conclusion, ESG is no longer a nice-to-have; it is a must-have for companies that want to thrive in today's complex and interconnected world. By aligning their business practices with ESG principles, companies can build trust, attract talent, foster innovation, and ultimately create long-term value for all stakeholders.Can AI make money now?AI is everything! Microsoft and Google release their earnings reports on the same day, and the market's attitude is clear.美团外卖平台 KeeTa 覆盖全港Google's third-quarter earnings report is generally positive, but the growth rate of its cloud business has slowed to 22%, which is lower than expected. As a result, the stock fell 6% after hours.