In just 24 days, the US stock market has already surpassed the "Wall Street annual target". Is it rising too fast?Deutsche Bank joins Citigroup in bearish view: The timing is ripe for a 10% decline in US stocks.Apple accelerates "AI on-device" and focuses on tackling "large models on mobile devices"Strong earnings reports recharge "AI faith", technology stocks "explode" European and American stock indicesThe future market is not optimistic. Citigroup has listed PayPal on its 30-day negative catalyst watchlist.京东小红书支付宝,血拼春节档政策解读 | 中国降准超预期,更重要的信号是央行两个表态!Tesla Phone Conference: Tesla praises "Optimus Prime", "boasts" AI efficiency as the most advanced, expects new vehicle to start production by the end of 2025每日数字货币动态汇总Hong Kong Stock Market News | CHALIECO surges over 19%, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council will further study the inclusion of market value management in the performance assessment of central enterprise leaders.* 恒指升幅扩至逾百点 重上万六水平Sound the alarm! The rapid rise of the US stock market has veteran bulls worried about a repeat of the 1990s crash.* 高盛料人行首季及第三季下调政策利率 次季及第四季降准中金发布研究报告称,维持阿里巴巴-SW“跑赢行业” 评级,目标价 109 港元理解市场 | 美股短期内为何可能下跌 10%?德银:美国今年经济增长将大幅放缓,股市短期内或下跌 10%特斯拉人形机器人最早明年交付,马斯克:价值潜力远超其他产品总和Hong Kong Stock Market Update | XPENG-W drops over 6%, leading the decline in automotive stocks. Tesla's fourth-quarter adjusted revenue falls below expectations.芯片市场开始复苏?SK 海力士一年来首次扭亏为盈美联储官宣 “终结、加息”!“三月大戏” 即将上演?Tesla: The goal is to launch the next generation of cars by the end of 2025, and Tesla is currently in between two "waves of growth".Noah's 1 billion target for a single product has been achieved, but the market is more eager for positive cash flow?马斯克财报会 “再吹” 中国车企:全球最有竞争力AI 需求火爆! SK 海力士四季度意外盈利,HBM3 增长超过五倍,正在开发 HBM4特斯拉财报电话会热点:AI、超级工厂计划、Cyber​​truck 和 Optimus 机器人Breakfast | SPDR S&P 500 hits four-day high, NVIDIA and other star stocks reach new highs, Tesla's earnings report guidance is not optimistic.马斯克称 Cybertruck 今年产量几乎售罄马斯克称特斯拉可能举办另一次 AI 日活动历次降准降息后,市场怎么走?"Price war" impact on Tesla's profits, the first decline in 7 years! After-hours trading fell more than 5%, warning of a significant slowdown in sales in 2024.马斯克:寻求更多投票权是为扩大影响力,不是控制特斯拉特斯拉:得州超级工厂 Cybertruck 皮卡年产能少于 12.5 万辆After-hours stock price rose more than 8%! IBM's Q4 revenue and EPS exceeded expectations, and the 2024 performance outlook is optimistic.Earnings report is impressive, technology stocks are strong, SPDR S&P 500 hits a new high again, Netflix rises more than 10%, AMD rises nearly 6%, and Chinese concept stocks outperform the market.连黑客都跟空头作对:处理上万亿美元交易的华尔街核心融券平台遭攻击Last year, Tesla's profits dropped for the first time in 7 years. The fourth-quarter performance fell short of expectations, and the company warned that growth would slow down this year. After the market closed, the stock price dropped by 5%.默沙东九价 HPV 疫苗冲击波:第一个受害者出现了挖矿公司 Hut 8 强力回击做空报告 盘前股价一度反弹超 9%英国豪车路特斯也下沉了ASML's European stocks surged by 7%! Q4 order revenue reached a record high, and net profit hit a historic high.