OpenAI 跌倒,谷歌吃饱?ChatGPT 宕机 5 小时,谷歌聊天机器人搜索激增苹果正在进行 Apple TV+ 入华谈判生数科技宣布完成数亿元 Pre-A 轮融资,百度领投AI server demand strong, Huiyi Technology surges 15% after hours美联储过于关注通胀,市场已嗅出危机!快讯:港股三大指数集体上涨 半导体、苹果概念股涨势强劲Suspected market manipulation? Retail investor "带头大哥" under investigation by US regulatory agenciesTrack Hyper | vivo S19 Pro: A versatile portrait selfie tool with multiple focal lengthsAH stocks rise, Hang Seng Index up more than 1%, semiconductor sector strengthens, while non-ferrous metals continue to declineWith personal investment from Alibaba's CEO, Youjia Innovation shifts to Hong Kong stock IPO | Jianzhi Research消息称可折叠屏 iPhone 不会在 2027 年之前推出 苹果仍在评估零部件规格和性能Tech giants seek to "de-NVIDIA", JP Morgan says these two US stocks benefit the mostWin10 用户注意,AMD 确认锐龙 AI 300 系列移动处理器放弃对该系统支持iPod nano 附体,苹果带触控屏 AirPods 专利公示:可控音频、支持旋转手势“边缘云第一股” 云工场火热招股,百倍 EDA 易达云后又一家云港股 IPO!With sales of hundreds of billions and restarting land purchases, has Vanke come back to life?Reports claim that Musk's exaggeration of Tesla's AI chip procurement plan, Musk responds6 月 4 日美股成交额前 20:英伟达又获券商看好,股价再创新高During the ChatGPT strike, Google Gemini took advantage and saw a 60% surge in search volume周二热门中概股涨跌不一 阿里巴巴涨 0.7%,台积电跌 1.6%AI 末日?ChatGPT、Claude 和 Perplexity 同时瘫痪Taking on NVIDIA and AMD head-on! Intel launches the new generation AI chip Xeon 6BMW sold for over 170,000长江电力,敢承诺 10 年高分红的公司港股复盘:突击配股ALBT Stock Earnings: Revenue of $314,588AI frenzy, triggering a semiconductor storm in the cloudUS Stock Pre-market | FFIE leads the plunge of Meme stocks! Panic index surgesTSMC's Liu Deyin: Expects AI demand to be more optimistic than a year agoArm is making bold claims again, aiming to capture 50% of the Windows market shareRating Quick Look | Meituan's pre-performance target price has been raised! Salesforce faces another "price cut"MIIT: Launching pilot projects for the access and on-road passage of intelligent connected vehicles, with BYD, NIO, and 7 other car companies entering the pilot listUS Stock Options | GME, AMC, FFIE Trading Volume Surges! NVIDIA, Amazon "Cut in Half"In the first 4 months of this year, Chinese electric car exports to Europe increased by 23%The impact of high interest rates has been overshadowed by the S&P 500Developing Ethernet! NVIDIA is very seriousA different "Anti-Air Turn"JPMorgan Chase: Global oil demand is strong, but crude oil demand is weak魏哲家出任台积电董事长兼总裁 重申人工智能驱动今年复苏的展望JPMorgan Chase evaluates Computex highlights: GPUs updated annually, Blackwell already in production, next trend "Physical AI"长城证券:维持百度集团-SW“买入” 评级 智能驾驶订单量维持高速增长港元拆息全线走低 隔夜息创近三周新低麦格理:英伟达进行新产业革命 相信瑞声、比亚迪电子等将受惠于 AI 主题快讯:港股三大指数冲高回落 内房股领涨大市、汽车股集体下挫美团-W 早盘涨逾 3% 美银将目标价上调至 135 港元苏姿丰最新采访:这是一个令人兴奋的行业Market Insight | Meituan-WR rises by over 3% again, first-quarter performance announcement imminent, BofA optimistic about core business profit growthTrack Hyper | In addition to XPU: Lenovo's new AI PC sets a new standard for memoryRedmi 新款蓝牙音箱预约中 重量仅相当于一个苹果Short sellers in the US stock market are retreating one after another! "Big short" players face a "darkest moment"