美国假日季零售销售额增长 3.1%,网购表现不及去年 -- 万事达卡报告Crypto frenzy takes a break! Bitcoin falls below $42,000, Memecoin's rally stalls苹果公司就苹果手表进口禁令提起上诉高盛新兴市场洞察基金调仓中概:大幅增持阿里、理想,减持网易,腾讯升为头号重仓降息预期催生新套利机会!美联储可能放任硅谷银行危机期间融资工具明年到期高盛新兴市场证券洞察基金建仓中远海运控股,增持理想、阿里、云南白药,重仓腾讯和阿里The holiday season in the United States is not as hot this year! The growth rate of retail sales has slowed significantly compared to the same period last year.During the peak of US mortgage rates, an important housing price index has achieved the highest increase of the year.年化收益接近 6%! 银行活期理财也在 “放大招”加密数字货币信托 Grayscale 的董事会主席 Silbert 辞职不止卖现代!亚马逊明年要全面进军线上卖车李斌 “向上” 豪赌赵长鹏的财富在 2023 年增长 250 亿美元 远高于币安支付给美国的罚款Year-end Review: The Top 10 Global Financial Hotspots in 2023: A Year of Turmoil, Innovation, and TransformationYear-end Review: Bitcoin Survives Three Quarters of Downturn and Soars at the End of the Year雷军:小米 SU7 正式上市还需几个月 定价未决定但 “确实有点贵”$1.2 billion! The first Chinese biotech company to go public has been acquired | Insight ResearchTop 10 Internet Trends in 2024: Industries about to be transformed by AI"Wood Sister" sets sights on Japanese stocks? Makes first move in over a year to buy LineThe prospectus of AWE reveals how lucrative the surrogacy industry can be理解市场 | 为什么现在追逐美股上涨也不晚?汽车行业最颠覆的一周,就要来了摩根士丹利:2024 年,全球新兴市场八大意外Injecting Soul into NPCs! Microsoft aims to change the way games are played with AI理解市场 | 美股今年圣诞行情有何不同?郑裕彤家族投资版图一览!青岛破获特大地下钱庄案,涉案金额高达 158 亿元解读公司 | 为什么 Vision Pro 对苹果很关键?亚市早盘:亚洲股市交投清淡 油价持稳With the support of the AI boom, the "Magnificent Seven Sisters" of the US stock market are expected to continue soaring in the next year.首只道琼斯 ETF 发售!年内跨境 ETF 规模已同比增 80%Can the US stock market continue to rise in 2024? Goldman Sachs is "confident" that it will increase by at least 7%, while JPMorgan Chase "smirks" and predicts a decline of at least 10%.The best-performing ETF under "Miss Wood" is not the flagship fund ARKK, but another one!Apple suffers a "Waterloo"! How does the ban on Apple Watch affect it?理解市场 | 如何看待《游戏管理条例》意见稿?先冷静!Highest 6000 points? Analyst: SPDR S&P 500 could rise at least 10% by 2024Guo Mingchi: Estimated shipment of approximately 500,000 units for Vision Pro in 2024.和 ChatGPT 聊天费水?2027 年全球 AI 耗水或达 66 亿立方米Analyst: Intel is expected to eventually split, with the stock price expected to soar 50%.提前降息,美联储会 “重燃” 通胀吗?2024 could bring these catalysts for Tesla小红书:目前暂无上市计划小红书或最快将于 2024 年下半年赴港上市每日数字货币动态汇总Cryptocurrencies are making a comeback! Bitcoin has rebounded by 160% this year, and the market eagerly anticipates the impact of the demand for spot ETFs.华尔街开心了,大摩日本收入创纪录软银将向散户投资者出售 1400 亿日元债券专家解读《网络游戏管理办法(草案征求意见稿)》:理性看待其影响 后续或有适应性修改