Microsoft, a partner and a new opponent! Microsoft launches its first AI chip and establishes new partnerships with AMD and NVIDIA.京东电话会:三季度商家数量达到最高水平,低客单价的订单增长加速中美数据给力,全球市场开启 “狂欢模式”Tencent's Q3 net profit increased by 39% YoY, with a rebound in the gaming business and record-high advertising revenue. | Earnings ReportWhy did Alibaba Pictures face a sell-off of funds on the eve of the merger with Damai?半年前 “做空” 巨亏后,“大空头” 最新动作:重仓中概,加码做空美国芯片股、包括英伟达The effectiveness of price reduction strategy has reached its peak. Can Cybertruck reorganize Tesla's sales? See Zhitong App's research.Unexpected leak! Google "bleeds" as Apple deducts 36% to remain Safari's default search engine.腾讯第三季度净利润 362 亿元人民币,市场预估 323.8 亿元人民币小米汽车公示:北汽越野代工 两款车型分别采用弗迪电池和宁德时代电池Tech giant Jingshun shows a strong preference for Amazon in Q3, investing heavily and increasing its holdings in Adobe.OpenAI's "Next Big Thing": NVIDIA's Most Powerful Chip B100, OpenAI's Most Powerful Model GPT-5What's going on? OpenAI temporarily suspends new ChatGPT Plus subscriptions.HBM,大战再起美图为何大跌 10%?送外卖、搞团购、上直播,快手抢了美团的饭碗?The struggle of hypermarkets: Gaoxin Retail suffers losses as it gets caught in the battle of membership stores.国联证券葛小波:过去是补短板,未来主要是 “筑长板”电影《大空头》的原型人物第三季增加对半导体 ETF 的看跌押注180-degree turn! Tiger Global increases holdings of tech giants "FAMG" in Q3, positions in PDD and Alibaba“大空头” 原型:再次做多阿里巴巴和京东华泰证券:AI 芯片竞争加剧 英伟达发布 H200 新品迭代提速显著Year-end market situation stable? CPI drives short "panic" cover and boosts US stocks.高瓴三季度继续重仓中概股!新进特斯拉、SEA"New King of Hedge Funds" Griffin: If the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates too quickly, its reputation may be damaged.US CPI cools down more than expected, short sellers panic buy, small-cap stocks achieve best single-day performance of the year.S&P 500 and Nasdaq had their best performance in April, with Microsoft and Nvidia reaching new highs, while US bond yields dropped more than 20 basis points.Global fund managers are going crazy buying bonds! Optimism reaches its highest level since the financial crisis.Goldman Sachs 2024 Global Macro Outlook: The toughest is behind usIEA: Raises oil demand expectations for the next two years, expects a small-scale supply surplus in the first half of next year.Internet giants are all joining HarmonyOS.Bridgewater's Q3 pursuit of the AI trend: Establishing positions in Nvidia and Broadcom, while "big consumer" stocks remain the ballast.特斯拉中国一个月内完成全系涨价,供不应求还是刺激成交?How far is the "last mile" for the Federal Reserve? Focus on tonight's heavyweight CPI data.Is it still worth buying Tesla on dips despite declining profits and Cybertruck production difficulties?大和:理想 Q3 盈利高于预期维持美股目标价 56 美元及买入评级Yellen "tough talk": Disagrees with Moody's downgrade of US rating outlook理想日销破千日赚三千万!李想:面对华为 0 抱怨Morgan Stanley: Generative AI to Land on Apple and Mac Next Year, Apple Will "Ride the Wind"New Stock News | It is rumored that Jinli Power will go public in Hong Kong as early as next year, just months after terminating its A-share IPO in September.阿里巴巴国际站收购欧洲 B2B 平台 Visable阿里智能信息事业群宣布发布自研大模型,夸克 App 将全面升级马斯克的 ChatGPT「Grok」,用起来到底怎么样?Yum! Brands doesn't want to become the next Starbucks?